General Discussion

General DiscussionA Question to 5k MMR players and up!

A Question to 5k MMR players and up! in General Discussion

    More obvious if its a retard support than a core? That is interesting.
    I have noticed that lower MMR supports tend to a lot of nothing - no pressuring lanes if there is an easy safe lane that your carry can solo; no creative wards (meaning all of their stuff gets dewarded in >1 minute); absolute garbage positioning; refusing to put sentries in lanes late game when enemy team has a Slark or something else that can punish supports; doesn't know how to keep themselves leveled so they don't fall off.

    Anything else you notice?


      okay i was wrong. there's only 1 way to play a lane. the perfect way. since dota can be solved with one solution. there is only one play style. the perfect one. and everyone knows what the perfect way is already. everyone makes the same decisions. games are very predictable and is decided by draft from the get go, with everyone knowing how a game will play out. the losing draft eventaully just GGs at 2 mins because they know they lost. and everyone who plays in high mmr have a unified mind and speak to each other by telepathy and all know how a lane is meant to be played. rofl. autism


        When the lane gets shitmixed super early and theres nothing you can do about it


          As a support i find this offensive i've supported 5k friends and they think i can reach 5k but sadly i'm 3k :'(


            check my last game and rate if possible watch it

            casual gamer

              I'm a 5k retard who goes core when I'm lowest mmr



                if you'd ever play with a support 1k below you then i guarantee that you'd tell him to leave ur lane and go somewhere else in first 3 minutes

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                    i always tell me supprt when to pull and usually tell him to gtfo feom lane unless we can kill him 3 times in 4 min and make offlane rage