General Discussion

General DiscussionIs Slark really OP?

Is Slark really OP? in General Discussion
Gold Experience Requiem

    People in higher MMR tend to say that Slark is OP. I have tried to played Slark recently in pub and I have played the hero terribly. My itemization is on point but it seems that the other faction countered me. Here's my recent game for Slark

    My question is, how to get slark his desired items and it's farming strategies? I hope someone here could help me. Thanks in advance.
    P.S. I am a noob player playing at 3k MMR bracket.

    white boy summer

      every hero is op if they aren't counterpicked. magnus, enigma,lina, lion, even kotl fucks him. he's a good lastpick material tho. dont give him free hits and stay in distance so he cant leap


        yep , slark is legit af ..


          hmm really makes you think :thinking:


            He is not OP
            Last pick material


              my biggest bet is that you are nob


                Hes bad af

                Cheap Laugh Guy

                  Slark is quite tricky to handle with

                  There is a point of game where support has to stray a bit to place wards and sentries
                  Slark strikes, 2 second kill, slips away

                  If he reachs networth enough to solo kill your carry quickly, that's way worse


                    highly experienced Slark PLAYERS are OP.


                      People in higher MMR tend to say that Slark is OP.

                      no they don't

                      slark is bad in 6k+ but really good in low mmr


                        Snowball dependent




                            highly experienced (insert any hero here) PLAYERS are OP.


                              slark is op. needs to be nerfed

                              Gold Experience Requiem

                                @kormoranas yea I am really a noob srry bout that.


                                  miracle got like 1000 mmr from slark for sure

                                  Gold Experience Requiem

                                    @ywn- It is bad too in lower MMR like my game lol.


                                      yeah its really good


                                        You can shitstomp people easily if you know how to use the hero in lower bracket

                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                          no they don't
                                          slark is bad in 6k+ but really good in low mmr.

                                          I was thinking that too. Slark is super strong in low mmr back when I used to be in the 2-3k category. Life was so easy as a slarkright now even. Treads, aquila and iron talon and u are good to go jungle and farm ur shadowblade safely.

                                          (I still am in 3k unranked mmr on this account but I'm smurfing (really 5k) and for some reason DOTA cant put me in VHS :S. )


                                            I think the thing with Slark is his snowball potential that starts early in the game; Unless you play completely mindlessly, you should be able to secure a kill or two early on, later on get that shadow blade and use it to gang. Apart from that, the escape mechanism saves your butt if things go down.

                                            As for whether he's OP, imho, yea, and that's why I vote ban him every single game.


                                              Melee, Carry, Disabler, Escape, Nuker
                                              WIN RATE


                                                @bws pretty sure it is more true to slark than any other hero. at least in higher brackets


                                                  "Slark sucks at MY mmr, because I'm like 6k+"

                                                  Dotabuff: 5k+ most picked heroes, 4th: Slark



                                                    He is viable so picked often but not op as shown by his winrate. He gives the illusion of OPness by the sheer cancerous way he tends to win games


                                                      He is op if you let him snowball early. Just pick shit like jugg and unsolo gankable hero and you are gucci

                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                        He certainly feels OP if everyone goes alone to farm and no one buys detection just to farm their 30 minute Radiance.

                                                        EDIT for men of delicate constitution and limited mental capacity: Slark does feel OP, especially in lower brackets where people play for themselves as carries without utility and goes alone to farm ridiculously expensive items such as Radiance first without a second thought for game-to-game improvisation, which means solo kill potentials for Slark to snowball off of and just kill anybody he sees.

                                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                          Ye tbh if u let slark get a fast radiance the game is over

                                                          casual gamer

                                                            words of wisdom


                                                              for the love of god do not let slark get a fast radiance after his veil. bring 4 heroes to make his life msierable if u must


                                                                he's annoying to deal with if your supports suck, but once you get into a 6k+ mmr bracket he becomes easier to deal with.


                                                                  Pretty sure the build is treads radiance echo abyssal octarine

                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                    Do you also want me to pull your zipper up after I unzip it and direct your penis to the general direction of the toilet so you can piss without soiling your lower garments and spraying your urine all over the floor?


                                                                      Radiance manta diffusal dagon is obviously the build

                                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                                        No Octacore for max heals???


                                                                          I prefer sing" build 5 bracer all the way

                                                                          Livin' Real Good

                                                                            Really? Haven't played much, but I was always thought it was the lower MMR people who complained about it. Slark typically punishes people with bad map awareness, supports who seem to think getting AGS or force staff before wards is more important, and disorganized teams. Just the nature of his playstyle also leads to the misconception that he's op.

                                                                            Erase Humanity

                                                                              One of those fashion picks that meta does not favor. I think PA, Spectre and Weaver are better heroes of the same class for this patch( scalling solo ganker hard carries).


                                                                                I bored use sb in slark

                                                                                  Този коментар е премахнат от модератор
                                                                                  all role player

                                                                                    Easy prey for my Riki. I hope That Every delusional smurfer Pick slark And I Will get Win easily


                                                                                      Slark is OP when he snowballs but if he wont then his screwed.