General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to win a lane against batrider?

How to win a lane against batrider? in General Discussion

    Like when you are solo as well or with no supports how do you win against batrider yourself?


      stick and dont get stacked.


        Checked that but still got killed more than once :(

        Ave with an internet pfp

          @jack said it all

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            You can't without support
            Hard carries are helpless early game
            You will have to farm very little and hope for space later, lose less like an offlaner
            Unless their carries are having difficulties laning as well, then there's chance to win the game




                Raindrop too


                  What if you are an offlane and that batrider is on the safelane(alone) then what do you do?
                  Stick and raindrop and ?

                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                    You can only get raindrop at 3 min. mark, laning stage should be near over by then and a 10 min farming batrider means ez game, you should get a little more space by then, also buying 225g raindrop to replenish it in just a few minutes is such a waste, we buy that for the long term mana regen and gank counter measure.
                    Just get salves or tangoes if you want to sustain in lane, much worth

                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                      Or you could just pick an offlaner lel


                        Dont eat napalms to the face
                        Magic stick
                        Suck xp
                        Iron talon
                        Block his camp so he won't snowball even further
                        If he's on safelane just drag the game since bat isn't a safelaner for some reason




                            Lc's 2nd is handy in these situations...


                              In a solo offlaner vs a solo bat in the safelane you will most certainly lose that matchup. At this point it's best to leech what xp you can, get whatever farm you can, and try and be effective elsewhere on the map through early roaming. For example, a solo clock or slardar can't do anything vs a solo batrider but they can gank effectively from level 2-3.

                              Kaiki Deishu

                                On the Batrider in safelane and you're on offlane solo scenario you could just leech xp, block that safelane lane neut camp, and purchase Iron Talon and farm on your neut camps.


                                  Viper is a good choice to trade blows with Batrider. Anti-Mage is decent, but you might progress more slowly because of getting Spell Shield. Heroes that can purge will also be great: Jugg, Naix, Legion and Doom (with the neutral purge).

                                  The Medic Guy

                                    stick, and avoid going back in lane when you start getting 4 stack jizz.

                                    hide and wash that jizz off, then back to lane

                                    мне похуй на игру

                                      Try running him down and chasing him around with a melee hero