General Discussion

General Discussionwr / lvl bugged ?

wr / lvl bugged ? in General Discussion

    Void has 48% win rate, but every single wr / lvl show something higher.

    If we were to calculate the % wr based on the wr/lvl, it would be a lil bit over 55% for void


      i think u r mixing up the two winrate on average is different than winrate dependent on levels. check the calculations u must have messed up somewhere
      according to our calculation its fine approximately.

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        No it's not fine.

        If i were to minimize the wr based on the one dependent on levels, i would say (according to

        For each lvl, wr > 50% thus a possible minimization is lvl 1 wr 50% lvl 2 wr 50% ... lvl 25 wr 50%

        average for such a minimization --> 50% (so we don't even have any trouble with calculation, especially the match volume)

        Which would mean: void's winrate > 50%. While we can clearly read ~48% for void's winrate.

        So either the wr / lvl is wrong,

        or either

        it doesn't show wr/lvl but something related to wr / lvl, like mb the increase of wr compare to the average value depending on the level (but then the scale would still be off). [In which case it would be quite missleading to call it wr / lvl]

        And frankly, i find very weird that there's so many void finishing lvl 2/3/4 at the end of the game, it's very unlikely (For that part the best i can find is that (for example) every game with a lvl 5 void, count as a lvl 1-2-3-4 void aswell (which would make sense on how the match volume decrease) However, that idea would not solve the issue of win rate and in addition it would cause a problem on pick rate.

        There's something wrong with the stats, they just don't match between each other right now.


        Going even further. If we watch the all heroes stats. they have an average of 50% (normal so far) But if you check the wr for all heroes depending on lvl, well like void it doesn't match.
        First my "idea" about lvl 14 heroes counting as lvl 1-2-3...13 aswell would be wrong, as lvl 1 would need 50%

        Second, you expect higher lvl to get more wr (we can read it, so np here), but low level to have much lower wr, as you cann't win a game with such a low lvl unless it's leaver, and you obviously don't win those game as often as 5v5 (could be quite interesting to have the wr based on the number of leaver of each time)

        Third, you can literally make the same reasoning as i did with void, but for all heroes, with a minimizing value of 51%, thus making dota2 a game in which at least 2% of the games are won by both team, which obviously make no sense.

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          meanwhile there is a ww3 in preparation but yeah lets talk about void's bugged 3% wr


            what. silvos, ask noboz to hit u or sth. Ur dreaming