General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to get 12 - 13 minute blink as slardar? and slardars item builds ...

How to get 12 - 13 minute blink as slardar? and slardars item builds in general in General Discussion
Fee Too Pee

    just askin around , tbh especially for cookie the one full match of offlaners

    i just climbed from 3k scrub to 4k srcub with 5 win streak solo as slardar

    but something feels off

    i see slardar matches , they can get daggers at minute 11 - 13.
    my timing is always at 15ish , 14 already good for me

    lately i discovered i can get decent items ( raindrop , wand ) before dagger but not delaying it much by rushing iron talon afte stating items : Stout Shield , Mango , Salve , Tango , Fairy fire / ward

    and yes , i died too much (my kills always < than my deaths), not rare to just hit one creep > one stun , i ded

    any tips for ALWAYS get the dagger timing at 12-13 ish?

    and whats better after blink ? force > eul or echo > bkb?

    Тази тема била редактирана
    1-IceTea 🌟

      You can get blink before 10mit without dying by jungle.


        ^serious question, if you could put 5 people in jungle would you do it?


          serious answer: enemy gets 3 free lanes of free farm and 2 junglers farming


            Well it's really obvious why you don't get your blink timing. You either don't farm fast enough or die too often.
            There is no secret trick to it, just look how you can get the most farm out of your lane and jungle.

            MICHAEL KLUMP

              Look my battle cup games. I got dagger at mins13 against trilane and although 2 dead. Just get iron talon and take farm

              MICHAEL KLUMP

                But i got blink at 16 mins on second game coz i was roaming


                  12 13 is really fast

                  par73 KB24 | GTUBE

                    don't die, know when and when not to contest last hits, iron talon in offlane jungle, you'll be fine.

                    Cripple Ninja

                      i think slardar more focused on slowing enemy carry farm rather than fast dagger...
                      if you rush dagger but your enemy carry is fat its fucking gg. u just blink stun die everytime


                        Don't die, get the lasts hits you can. Know when you can harass the enemy. Use Crush to deny enemy last hits and create a rift between your hp pool and theirs. Don't skill like a retard, Always Crush maxed followed by Sprint. Always get Tranquils. Help other lanes. You can make kills happen around level 7-8 with Maxed Crush. Your Sprint + Tranquils Movement speed should guarantee you close the gap on anyone who isn't standing next to their tower. Then you can get your blink around 10 Minutes~ and sometimes earlier if your lane went really well.

                        If you put it in perspective, to get your Tranquil Boots and Blink, you need 3175 Gold. That means for 10 Minute Blink you need 317 GPM~. You get 100GPM from passive gold gain. So now you need to find a way to get 217 GPM for the first ten minutes. This is the equivalent of getting 4 last hits and picking up the bounty rune every other minute. Getting high GPM early is not nearly as hard as people believe, because most die maybe 2 or 3 times in the first ten minutes, which completely tanks their early GPM. In reality you should always get a 10-11 minute blink dagger on Slardar as long as the lane isn't absolute cancer, and you land the last hits that are given to you. You can also Iron Talon Jungle with Tranquil Boots regen if you cant stay in lane.

                        Optimally, in the offlane with Slardar, you should be able to kill someone at least once or twice. This will help you get a really fast blink too. As I said before, identifying these opportunities is important. Most low skill players are too scared to make an aggressive move against a safe laner when they feel like they could just hit creeps instead. If you have an opportunity to threaten the other laner and limit their farming, you always take it. Eg; You see both their supports are in another lane doing some dumb shit. What they're doing doesn't matter, what matters is you're a level 6 Slardar against a Solo Carry. You Amplify them, Run up and Crush, Hit them a bunch, keep chasing while they run (They will also being slowed by the after effect of Slithereen Crush which really helps close the gap when combined with your boosted sprint movement speed). Then you can simply crush again and nearly always get an easy kill. They will ping their supports, you will go off and shrine and then hit more creeps. Get your fast blink dagger, wait for the next opportunity and strike again.

                        Hope this helps.


                          You probably mean 8 min


                            offlane slardar with 9 min dagger, actually could buy it @ 8 XD CONFIRMED best slardar in the world

                            Optimus Drip

                              I rush a vanguard cuz I don't like dying. Also I'm a retard but usually I get a vanguard + blink by 1 6ish minutes. I feel it's easier to jungle if the creeps don't hurt u


                                ^Lol , talon and poormanshield is enuf to stay still while your tranqs are in your backpack. its easy to get fast blink tho. 8-10 mins in time. Offlane slar is the most versatile shits in 4.6-5k+ lol way easier nowadays than before. Cause you got bounty's and shrine can help you out. No reason to be outfarmed it defends in your performance. Sometimes its more easier picking slar sp. Cause its same aspects . Starting points are stout, rush tranqs , if you have enuf gold go talon fast. Then youll have your dag sooner cause your not the full sp. 4TH POS

                                Optimus Drip

                                  Pfft. Pos 4 slardar. I go carry.

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