General Discussion

General DiscussionI turned off in-game text and muted chat....

I turned off in-game text and muted chat.... in General Discussion

    .... and I'm noticing an improvement in my pub match games.

    Granted, I'm still stuck in 1k hell.... but I'm now winning more games than losing games. Can't tell if there's a correlation, but I have noticed that my play has improved since I've turned off all of the in-game chats.

    As a 20-year veteran of the US military, I play video games to relax and escape. I've played video games since the old stand-up arcade consoles, and I love to play. The last thing that I want is to allow other players' emotions to affect my emotions. It's the best way that I've found to deal with it.

    Unfortunately, my reports have gone up as well. Take the good with the bad, I guess.

    Just thought I'd share.

    casual gamer

      pretty good strat

      i try to be a net positive to my team mood so they play better thgouh, also sometimes i have to hear if someone is making calls

      doc joferlyn simp

        SOLO MMR

        The dream lives, buddy.


          1k hell....the struggle is real.


            It's viable at times, but sometimes it's better to auto mute the enemy team, and if you have any ragers on your team, to auto mute them. Communication can win games


              how can you serve 20 years in the military and let people's emotions in a video game effect you?


                ^It is different when it comes to games like this. It supposed to be fun, not gettin flamed and not enjoying the game anymore


                  He's probably those not combat military types. Like sits in a chair or store all day. Luuuul. Jk bro. Respect

                  1-IceTea 🌟

                    I mute 4 of my teammate when they start talking shit and type 'Now I muted u 4,you all just follow my call or I will go 1v5'
                    as a result my main page on Dotabuff all green :happy:


                      And you have so many single draft games too. Luuuul

                      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                        I only instant mute people if they do not speak English, or if they make constant bad calls, or flame.

                        1-IceTea 🌟

                          And you have so many single draft games too. Luuuul



                            I do it and i find myself in lp more often..

                            casual gamer

                              ^probably for buying your team's second mek as venge :v



                                im pretty sure i hve like 90% winrate in past week during the games where i have everyone muted

                                Cancer Malaria

                                  I just pretend to not understand their language and play