General Discussion

General DiscussionDo previous accounts affect your current one?

Do previous accounts affect your current one? in General Discussion

    Dota 2 was my first moba so naturally i calibrated as soon as possible and got 800 mmr (
    Now after knowing the game better do i have a chance of calibrating higher or i am fucked becuase of my previous accounts mmr?


      No it doesn't.

      1-IceTea 🌟

        If you knowing Dota better then just play more rank.
        PRO TIPS : the mmr will go up if u won rank game


          Making a new acct will usually put u at the same mmr cuz thats the mmr u deserve,


            ^ what about a person like me , first account people.


              Valve has a few tricks that identifies your previous mmr for setting the mmr of your first game is all.

              After that you're on your own.


                I was the same. I started a new account a few weeks later (after I'd stopped making the most noobish mistakes - I'm still bad, obv) and calibrated at 2.2K.

                Putins Price Hike

                  at most your new mmr will be 100 or 200 higher


                    If its ur first acct then theyll basically put u low skill and then use that game to adjust ur skill level. The game will realize if ur better than low skill or not and keep u there or bump u up rapidly.