General Discussion

General DiscussionTell me of a day where you lose all your games

Tell me of a day where you lose all your games in General Discussion
Farm then Carry

    I just had mine today. 5 losses FeelsBad

    doc joferlyn simp

      General rule of thumb for any rating-based game: if you lose twice stop call it a day for the matches and go practice.

      Farm then Carry

        lost three times in the afternoon then i took a break... immediately lost 2 games after. My invoker lane was good too :l


          5 is nothin tryhard more to 12


            i once had a run like 1/17 games won :D thought about deleting this stupid game.


              TRy 20


                I had 15 losing streak games just recently ahaha but I got out from the losing streak curse now probably hahaha

                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                  i remember having more loses tho :/


                    that's life dude,just take it easy,dont ruin yourself cz that lose,gl hf for the next day xD

                    Erdal Kömürcü

                      i ve lost like 13 matches in a row

                      1-IceTea 🌟

                        If I in lose streaks I don't care I keep find matchs because I know I am good and deserve to get da memer back.
                        Only time I stop match is when I in win streak and afraid to lose game

                        1 MMR SOLO

                          When i am on road to solo mmr 1. I had a loss.streak of 10plus ranked games


                            i lost 5 times a row too my friend deal with it. youll be used to it. stay positive. haha who cares about losing if you are strong rofl