General Discussion

General DiscussionHave Plus I'd like to compare myself to players that have actual MMR

Have Plus I'd like to compare myself to players that have actual MMR in General Discussion
More Cowbell

    I've not played ranked yet. I'm only level 20 and obviously new to the game. Is there a good way to really compare myself to other players in dota? I'd like to have a better understanding of where I fit right now in the game without trying to do ranked.


      just ask people to predict mmr

      i think you are between 1 and 2 k, at least judging by your teammates. which is not so bad if you really are new to the game.
      overall its quite shit though, you are like the guy below me, id suggest asking cookie to coach you.

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        U dont need to, u suck a lot, and need to calibrate and get ur memer score to compare. Comparison doesnt matter just improve urself


          no, dont play ranked until you learn at least the absolute very basics of playing the game(not saying you don't, but maybe you shouldnt necessarily always play jungle or at least be very efficient about it) such as to lasthit (you seem to have low lasthits in your games), and other basics like that.

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          More Cowbell

            Comparison is still nice to know if I'm improving at a decent rate or have a lot to go just to be a 2k player. Thanks for all the tips, take all I can get.

            Free 2 Play Scootz

              It really helps to have a friend who knows the game to play with u. I started my friend in Dota and he improved way faster than I did when I first started

              More Cowbell

                I have a younger brother who plays who is a pretty seasoned player with a mmr at nearly 4k(I know that's not pro). It has helped me a ton. I try to watch videos and have gotten into some guides on things. I've only played a total of 63 games myself.

                Are there any decent guides on itemization vs certain heroes? Like when bkb is a strong option? Etc?


                  Check out PurgeGamers on youtube, very good at explaining everything, he is a full time youtuber/streamer and commentor on pro dota games and he is really good at teaching. He has different series like coaching where he takes a critical look at players games and talk about everything they do good/bad. Watched him since I started with dota 3-4 years back and he is still really good help for whenever there's a new patch, etc.

                  Practice last hitting, be efficient and keep looking at streamers, youtube and maybe just play with friends and focus on a few heroes to start with, then expand your knowledge about the game. Good luck!


                    He also have videos on useful key-bindings and other really small things that can make a HUGE difference.

                    More Cowbell

                      Thanks for the tips Z0mBi3 , just subscribed to his videos!


                        Your bracket is in Normal Skill so 3k mmr below. Try calibrating after you achieve Very High Skill on your normal matches although I'm not saying that its bad for you to calibrate right now I mean when I calibrated it was 2.7 mmr but I was able to raise it upto 3.8 mmr it took me 2 years to do this THO hahaha.

                        More Cowbell
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                            4k is really not that good for coaching,you should ask some higher mmr player who is actually good at the game to give you real advice on how to get better. i can quote: pick a few heroes, spectate and analyse highly skilled players on those heroes, and do your best to master it.

                            dont expect much though, you are probably going to have to be playing 1v5 until like 4.5k mmr or so. i played on a 4k acc and people arent even better much, just mechanically more skilled and less feeding. brown boots shadow blade slark kinda rapes it.

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