General Discussion

General DiscussionKiev qualifiers, ad finem

Kiev qualifiers, ad finem in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    I don't cruise reddit or google dota 2 news daily so I'm behind but you guys notice Ad finem decided against renewing with that organization? Doesn't mean much for the major as they will still attend with a new team name. Do you think they're simply looking for a better sponsorship?

    Why do SEA and china get two teams from qualifiers but NA, SA, europe and cis get one? I guess Europe and CIS used to be one region so it sort of makes sense, but why the fuck does South America even have a division? I haven't heard of any of those teams or players, and on the flip side teams that didn't qualify include complexity, team np with EE, Alliance, Navi, LGD's teams in china, just to name a few very qualified teams. I guess it makes things interesting, since dota has no regular season, and allows for the injection of new blood. But it seems kind of unfair a team I've never heard of and probably will exit first round like the SA qualifier, or a team like team faceless, another strong candidate for sure 1st round exit, that they make it over someone like team np or even LGD. It doesn't feel like we're getting the best teams when the regions are uneven this way.


      eh faceless isnt a bad team and I think they have had some okay results in the past but yeah there are a lot of teams sitting out that are teams and players were used to seeing in these tournaments. I think what may end up needing to happen is that single elimination tournaments end up with more teams in them or something because there are starting to be a ton of top caliber teams out there


        I'm sure it's to increase exposure and viewership to regions with big markets.

        Also, it helps fast track the maturity of the teams/the level of competitively play in the region. Just imagine if tournaments like 'The International' never portioned some invites for less qualified regions, the talent/experience pool would take longer to be diversified, which would allow top tier teams to dominate for longer periods of time.

        322 is a must

          Hmm quite disagree with you, navi alliance np are shit now, they re relic of the past. But its true there is some better teams compared to sa qualifier team.

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            Dire Wolf

              Well maybe navi and alliance suck now but Chinese teams are strong top to bottom and better than sa and most of the sea teams too


                at this point it doesnt contribute anying useful, but it creates the opportunity and motivation for the future
                still makes 0 sense tho cz the game's not immortal, and its popularity has alrdy passed the peak


                  I actually think alliance isn't in that bad of a shape, Luldas jugg and ck are pretty respectable and limpp(or however you spell it)does well most games too, with the addition of jsf, who is a beast in lane, they are quite the force to be reckoned with. Na'Vi are just having trouble reminding team synergy and learning to play as a team, so maybe they'll be in shape by ti7. Faceless is by all means not a tier2 team in my opinion. OG and EG are looking strong, as usual, lots of rtc doesn't tilt can whoops out some nice plays

                  Dire Wolf

                    Dota past it's peak? Seriously? Just cus slightly less people play doesn't mean less people watch. And tons buy compendiums or ti prizes wouldn't keep going up.


                      Alliance did surprisingly well in the qualis tho i feel like its cuz LULda hauled ass. Sg is garbage. Np is also not a relic of the past r u retarded? They r actually playing well, onyx basically qualified off the back of pocket meepo. Im actually extremely curious how onyx will perform once everyone bans meepo.


                        Meepo had nothing to say. Ban abbadon and their weaklink will make them lose cough lulba cough
                        Still hoping Mason pulls it off though

                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                          It is smart business direction to grow young regions. Looks stupid now, and may not work, but it's still a smart move. It is not completely without merit

                          Small Song

                            Look at the World Cup as an example; Asia would never get an invite if they just invited the best. But, how can you call it an 'World' Cup if it includes just SA and Europe?

                            Same mechanism is at play here; grow the game in developing markets, and give the competitions that international feel.