General Discussion

General Discussiondota and LoL : legit question

dota and LoL : legit question in General Discussion

    so basically i have one week holiday and i wanted to try a new game so i want to try LoL , but most dota fans talk shit about LoL and LoL fan talks shit about dota ; so can any of you guys who tried both games tells me what is the main differences between them and is LoL actually worth trying ?


      It's like Point Blank compared to CS I think
      LoL is more fast paced, mostly relies on reflexes than strategy, relatively pay2win, like Point Blank, while CS is more slow paced, more strategy oriented, and aspects other than fast reflexes have higher skillcap, also purely competitive without advantage from $$$


        If you prefer relying on your mad mechanical mlg skillz instead of roasting your brain theorycrafting stuffs LoL is probably better for you

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            Well LOL and DOTES are technically the same I mean they're objectives to win is to destroy that 1 important structure, I also have a level 30 LOL but haven't exeprienced rank because you will need 16 or something champions and lvl 30 in order to rank (1 of the reasons I dislike it because I don't want to purchase champions that I will eventually not use).

            1 of the things that is different on LOL is the laning phase is seriously static, its always 1 1 2 then 1 jungler and its on both factions, unlike in DOTES there are different ways to lane there's 2 1 2, 1 1 3, 1 1 2 then 1 jungler, and when you go 1 1 2 its usually mirrored unlike in LOL its the same. Also there's no roaming on LOL which is something I like to do.

            Well my point is even with the minor or major differences both game are technically the same, I'm not sure about the learning curve tho because I didn't had a hard time learning its meta or the game itself since I already played DOTES.

            Note: I'm not sure about this information that I gave tho because the last time I played LOL was on late 2015 maybe it's different these days hahaha.

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              LoL is way easier


                play lol coz its a tutorial for dota 2.


                  I'd rather play bot games as tutorial


                    ty guys for the answers , i think i might give it a shot


                      I've played both games, mostly i played as a support/jungler in LoL. And I mostly play support in Dota.

                      In LoL it's nothing to do with positioning or anything, the shittiest mid player can kill a pro carry in under a second (because that's simply the nature of LoL nothing wrong with that). the point of the game isn't to outplay the enemy it's to kill them first.

                      Kills>Last Hits, it's worth it to chase a kill down rather than get 20 last hits.

                      Biggest difference in the two games is in the Supports, in Dota your supports can do something and can actually carry the game through supporting. In LoL supports do nothing, their wards don't matter due to almost every ganker using Red Trinket (a free item everyone can get that reveals and temporarily disables wards, which is fine it's LoL's sentry ward). The playmaking by supports is entirely based around point and click heals or shields, majority of the the time these shields are weak the second the game gets to midgame. So most people will just pick a support and build damage items, which works because you don't lose gold when you die and there are so many items that give free gold w/o needing last hits.

                      I think LoL is fun, I just think Dota is vastly better.

                      Secret to Winning LoL:
                      Supporting- Pick Janna, Sona, Soraka
                      Jungle- Pick Ivern


                        Wut, support in lol? everyone and their mother can place a free ward aswell. and number of ward is limited on the map.

                        Support in lol are support in the soul, but that's it. It's more about being a babysitter for the entire game (95 to 100% only for the adc) than anything else.

                        It's literally being io with tiny (btw i'm not sure about janna for a beginer, if you're not fast enough with the shield, you end up being garbage laning support)

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                        Player 404335202

                          Type lol in chat of lol and u win lol .. As simple as that


                            Nah Supports that can tank is in my opinion better in LOL for example my favorite champion Shen, but yeah Janna, Sona and Soraka are also solid support picks and I also agree about you on the difference in supports of LOL and DOTES.


                              Also the way lanes work the offlane (or whatever its called) matches up against enemy offlane and the safelane matches up against enemy safelane

                              Ghastly Wail

                                Didnt played LoL but as far as i saw on TV, you can hook through creeps, so no positioning required.
                                And you cant deny.

                                Friends of mine who play LoL told me you get easily banned. If you get first blood as Support (even when it was just a mistake) prepare for a 24 Hour ban.

                                You need to buy Heroes and you cant mix Cosmetic Sets. Only wearing one whole Set.

                                The only positive thing i have to admit are the Cinematic Videos.

                                All in all i'll never try it out because of the above mentioned reasons.


                                  I played both, lol ~ 50 games I think and when dota came out I tried that, and since then I haven't played LoL and I preffer dota instead, game is just much better imo, try both and see for urself what u preffer more.


                                    LoL is lol nothing special

                                    white boy summer

                                      if u start with lol u will never get used to dota cuz it's more complex and turn rates will feel "laggy" as this mechanic isn't present in lol, which means that meele champions get kited for days, making half of the champion pool untouched by pros.


                                        Its quite simple

                                        LoL is easy as hell if you played dota.
                                        No creep wave block, no denie, no pull, no runes, smaller map, turrets deal retarded ammount of damage (don't dive) and no glyph.
                                        No random miss coming from high ground / low ground fights

                                        LoL is a huge pay to win, because you need to pay to unlock champions, yeah this is bullshit, and new champions come out with a retarded price, 6300IP (you win around 80IP per WIN, and a 150IP bonus per "win of the day")

                                        Also you have "masteries" and "runes" which give BONUS STATS BEFORE STARTING THE GAME (so you WONT know what they took), also you unlock masteries point and unlock rune slots every level (of course), and ranked start at lvl 30. max level.

                                        Meta is fixed by Riot games and the pro scene, they will nerf whatever exotic picks become viable. almost all heroes have 50% WR, lowest is 39% because they KILLED him (also 2 others are literaly off-meta), bigest is 55%.

                                        The meta is so fixed that in the Worlds 2015, in 73 games... 74 Heroes has been banned/picked, OUT OF 128!!!
                                        fucking 54 champions haven't been picked! this is so stupid

                                        Riot games rework old champions, and when i mean rework i mean destroy and kill the entire lore they built back then.
                                        for example: Galio, a very unpopular champion who just needed a VISUAL update, they reworked him but he is not the same anymore, at all. He is a better mix of every good champions (also Thor's ultimate coming straight from SMITE)

                                        talking about stealing abilities, they reworked another Champion, (around 4 times i think since his release.) RYZE: its the pitlord of LoL, his ultimate is the same. exept its shit because it has a tiny range.

                                        All champions have almost a fixed build, no niche build are possible without losing some power.

                                        I have much more to say but this is getting long. Just try LoL, don't play it.

                                        Oh also they deleted a gamemode because it was underplayed called dominion, it was fun but rito didn't gave a shit. (no updates on it, no visual update as well since 2011. graphics straight from 2011 )

                                        Coming from a 2011 LoL player, i love dota now, and i will never leave it.

                                        TL;DR: rito don't give a shit about his community and focus on pro scene, fuck the meta and grab money with skins. also kill Champions and their lore.


                                          Talking about the community now.

                                          Its extremely easy to get BANNED. Its simple, follow my steps

                                          1. pick a unusual champion, or a well known champion
                                          2. play it somewhere else than his usual position
                                          3. watch your team intentionaly feed because they dont want to see something unusual hapening and they report you for trolling

                                          your account is banned.

                                          this is not a joke. even rito games enforce that steps.

                                          "I understand you want to play Singed support, however, your teamates do not want you to play Singed support."

                                          This is league of legends. follow the meta or get banned.

                                          you want fun? get banned.


                                            How does that game is still fucking relevant with such management


                                              because marketing. the game is well known from the normies, so a lot of people play it.

                                              simple as that. the game is well known and can't be forgoten like that anymore, but dota need a huge marketing to rival with LoL on that point.

                                              make showcasting a final of dota on a TV channel will be enough to rival with LoL

                                              Ghastly Wail

                                                haha and here i thought my friends are exaggerating. But guess not :D

                                                edit : last Year German TV Channel showed ESL Frankfurt Major Finals. This Year probably Kiev Major Finals.

                                                But they showed some LoL Finals too. But doh. :D

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                                                  Ascalon. I played this game for 6 years, i saw all the bullshit they have done, reworking, killing champions, fucking the meta, banning me, i saw everything

                                                  I went from Bronze IV (worst is bronze V, so its like i was 500 MMR), to Platinium IV ( 15 elo higher), i knew how the meta worked.

                                                  LoL is getting worse and worse, but is still played because it has a e-sport community, and is shown to the public

                                                  Dota is awesome, very good meta, possibilities, fun to play, but is less shown to the public.

                                                  Do not touch LoL, community isn't that toxic but is quite retarded (a lot of kids)

                                                  Dota is russian center, and you can be a bit toxic without being reported. its a Manly game.

                                                  edit: nothing is shown to the public in france, but they talk a LOT about LoL, and ive NEVER, EVER heard of dota on TV.

                                                  All praise volvo.

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                                                    I have been "forced" by some friends to play Lol in the past.
                                                    I've never tried to learn this game but I feel like there is nothing much to learn.

                                                    Lol seems very noobfriendly, I suppose that's why they have more people playing it.
                                                    Dota have so many weird rules and exeptions, it's really hard for a new player.


                                                      It's like starcraft
                                                      The learning curve is just too damn big to attract new active players since they'd just ragequit because there is so much to learn


                                                        Good thing dota isn't that hard compared to SC which died out of it's lack of community sustain due to the complexity of the game


                                                          @Elitefire +1

                                                          more on the "forced" meta:

                                                          If you happen to play something more efficient in lol, it get nerf to the ground. (I will ALWAYS remember urgot aka the WORST fucking adc, being HEAVILY nerfed just cause he could stand 1v2 during laning phase, alowing the +1 top help the top lane instead -and since adc are so bad anyway, better put advantage on your top instead-)

                                                          Sc2 also died due to hots, who wasn't fun at all. lotv is fun (if you are diamand you need to be able to crush zerg to have fun though) however lotv is really hard to play, especially for protoss. If we never had hots, lotv would be such a perfect environment for sc2 to shine; the number of player is just too little for that complexity.

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                                                          1-IceTea 🌟

                                                            LoL got great advertise,Dota got need everything.
                                                            Positive MA
                                                            Good CS
                                                            Understand of all hero (fuck talent)
                                                            Understand map,even which wood to cut to hide
                                                            endless example.


                                                              Lol and hon always feel too cartoonish compared to dota graphics wise

                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                I haven't played league but based on what I hear dota is less popular cus it's much more complex and less accessible to new players. You really have to stick with dota a good 6 months to fully understand the intricacies


                                                                  ^ literaly the reason why dota is less popular

                                                                  LoL is easy to understand, and have almost no skill spike.

                                                                  Dota is the true MOBA experience, LoL is just a bootleg of MOBAs

                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                    I've tried to introduce three friends to dota and they all quit after 10 games or so cus they didn't understand laning phase and thought it was too slow


                                                                      required skill wise dota is like chess, lol is like flipping a coin.


                                                                        lol is fun to play unlike dota

                                                                        disgusting weebs

                                                                          love how ppl who comment about "dota is more complex than lol xd lol is childs play!" are coincidentally terrible at dota :thinking:



                                                                            "I understand you want to play Singed support, however, your teamates do not want you to play Singed support."
                                                                            This is league of legends. follow the meta or get banned.

                                                                            WTH seriously? weird I never experienced this tho, well I never had a chance playing rank on LOL because of lack of champions on my pool, maybe that's just a rank thing?


                                                                              No. you also get those kind of shit on normal game. but of course monkeys report way more in ranked because you took something unusual.