General Discussion

General DiscussionAquila on Dragon Knight ?

Aquila on Dragon Knight ? in General Discussion

    So i was looking at popular items and aquila was there. Is this some new meta stuff or something ?


      It's not like he needed the extra armor and attack speed as bad as OD or invoker anyway


        accept me sir cutnpaste woot woot

        casual gamer

          its good


            rofl fake cutnpaste getting dick suckd must feel good


              hahaha jacked

              casual gamer

                mods psl nuke this individual xd kappa 123 but not really

                just block his avatar like u did to mr lanto

                Cheap Laugh Guy

                  makes sense, coupled with raindrops
                  it applies for all the core heroes with mana issues early game


                    Isn't basillius enough in that case?

                    casual gamer

                      slot efficient stats


                        I saw people go for soul ring on him too, but that's probably bcs I'm 2k

                        casual gamer

                          old build


                            No such thing as "old," "new," or "metta" in 2k.

                            But RoA is effective. Extra AS, Regen, and general stats.


                              I can't believe people actually got baited into thinking I'm the real cut
                              Or am I actually as good as him? :thinking:


                                Why aquila when u have bottle? I think u only sr if for some reason u r safelane dk.

                                Cheap Laugh Guy

                                  Well bottle still isnt enuff for you to spit fire every wave
                                  Mid morph buys aquila with bottle too
                                  Plus DK is a pusher hero and he lacks attack speed so everything adds up


                                    Id rather go fast treads and min max those and get away with shrines and maybe support arcanes or whatever. Faster armlet seems more important. Smth like bottle treads armlet blink bkb mjollnir