General Discussion

General DiscussionCarry weaver

Carry weaver in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    I have a bunch of questions. He's back in the meta now.

    Can you first pick him safely? I still feel like he's pretty fucked against slardar and bloodseeker, would prefer to pick him 4th or 5th even but you know how that goes in pubs.

    What's the build for safe lane weaver, talents and items? I have been going brown boots, aquila, dragon lance, perseverance, finish treads, deso, finish linkens, then mkb butter or daedulus depending. But Idk when to finish pike or if to even get it, or whether to throw a diffusal or mjollnir in there. Also a lot of weavers seem to delay even brown boots until after dragon lane and aquila or something which I think is dumb but just wondering.

    For talents I was taking +30 sukuchi dmg but it seems not that great so I think I favor the strength more, then stats, agi, speed. 35 magic resist is a fucking ton but damn that speed is so amazing. 25 dmg vs 7 stats seems like the only really hard choice.

    Talents too I think normal build is max shukuchi and max the swarm second with value point in germinate, but I love germinate for harass. Thing is it's not that great until you get 4 pts in it so it seems like wasting a lot of points to get there, especially if you go value in the swarm, you won't be 1/4/4/1 until 11 if you take a talent and lane phase is over by then and it's wasted. Would you ever consider 0/2/4/1 at 7? Not many offlaners can handle those double attacks every 3 seconds.

    People still seem to have this idea that weaver doesn't need farm and is a solo lane hero. They haven't been flaming me for playing safe but they do still leave me a lot. What are your thoughts on this? I have trouble vs some offlaners, like necro cus his q still hits you while invis and the range is long, I couldn't harass him at all. Then there was an axe one time, and with weavers poor starting range if I got too close to cs he could taunt and kill me at 6 with his ult if he got enough procs. All these offlaners are super easy to handle 2v1 cus weaver is strong offensively but idk if he should be able to solo the lane fine or not. I think a lot of players are just used to solo offlaner weaver leeching levels and not really farming, but it's damn hard to cs safely with only 425 range vs many offlanes.

    What about pace of game? Cus weaver gets insanely strong late with his mobility and germinate scales well, but he also seems to spike mid game and do really well right after deso. And he doesn't farm particularly fast. Should you be pushing towers and looking for fights constantly?


      I find him to be very strong. I usually skip boots entirely and I would always max sukuchi first. I mostly go strength and stats for talents and routinely just rush deso. But dlance first is likely better. If they have burst its nice to have a support but if you can handle the lane its good for the support to roam a little so you can get to 7 and max shukuchi. He is very good at fighting after deso and that's probably your biggest power spike. I don't go diffusal usually but if you need a little more lockdown or need to purge something. I would take fights and push because you aren't a great farmer and you can fight anytime and have a strong midgame.


        sekoci weaver alert

        Този коментар е бил редактиран
        casual gamer

          axe is the weaver fucker

          weavers rly good safelane i jsut won a game because my safelane weaver went crazy and murdered everyone

          casual gamer

            1441 builds garbage

            no points in swarm is game losing garbage

            4411 swarm lower cd = used for farming more and also is op as fuck in fights

            Dire Wolf

              k that's what I thought was jw. I think it's a big reason I haven't been winning as much on weaver. What about str vs 30 shukuchi dmg or 7 stats vs 25 dmg?

              casual gamer

                i go str because when i chase i dont get the pass damage i just run up and hit = the skuuchi damages useless. also str on weavers super useful. i always go 25 damage AT LEVEL 16 GET LEVLE 4 GEMINATE AT 15


                  441 fo sure.

                  used to go for dmg talents, but once i tried the stats talents i prefer them to the dmg ones. weaver needs stats afterall. linkens is also a lot more situational than before. seems fine without linkens a lot of the time. i've gone deso most of the time, but that items boring af. recently been trying out malestrom + deso and those items are fun. dmg seems to be alright still. if i go deso linkens build, for some reason i always end up going bloodthorne. dont ask me why, i dont put much thought into this game

                  my thought process only goes as far as to consider if the enemy has illusions, or if we have weak wave clear. diffusal is just really good overall and i think i need to buy it in more weaver games. good against those tanky guys that kinda hard to kill and also you need to kite. dont think you need boots still, although his movement speed is ass now, maybe it isnt so bad to get boots

                  why's axe good against weaver? In lane he shouldnt be a problem. its just one of the those things u gotta hold onto your w and bait his calls

                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                    I experienced my first time getting crushed as weaver against BS


                      why's bloodseeker good against weaver? cuz of rupture? i dont get it


                        i actualy played against a slark who went pounce duration talent. boy i got cucked that game


                          bs is good because of rupture and thirst giving vision. you cant timelapse with rupture on without taking damage from the displacement.

                          Président® Salted Butter

                            ^^ you deserved to lose that game for even letting it happen

                            Този коментар е бил редактиран
                            Ave with an internet pfp

                              Why Clemont is in the dotobuff but not doto , i was suffering from solo redday :c

                              Président® Salted Butter

                                Responsibilities haHAA

                                Président® Salted Butter

                                  Not having your own pc in 2017 FeelsBadMan


                                    not having your own pc sucks no matter what

                                    casual gamer

                                      call blademail 100-0s you with any build. it basically forces you to go for non dps build like linkens skadi diffu (lul) which dramatically lowers ur impact

                                      i will almsot always go for damage over survivability and just stay alive by not playing like a retard especially on elusive hero like weaver. exception is hp talent on a hero like jugg who is guaranteed to take damage and gets a lot of value from hp (ty cutnpaste xd)

                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                        it's one of those things in normal skill game play, where if you can take more damage and spells without dying, you've done more dmg than actual right clicks lul

                                        Ave with an internet pfp


                                          Best choice for gaming pc :x with a cheap price

                                          If you just play doto , core i 3 3th gen + GT 630m with 4 gb ram is enough

                                          A Pc shop my in place offer us a Core i 3 7th gen + gtx 1050 ti + 8 gb ram for 500$ :/

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            Yes blademail is why, cus axe will blade mail you to a few hundred hp and then ult you and you die before you can get ult off, and his call isn't blocked by linkens.

                                            Rupture is bad for weaver, he can tp out but it basically fucks every team fight if you have to tp out. Weaver is only good cus of his mobility, how he can get into a teams backlines easily and shred the supports or squishy dmg dealers or whatever. Well not *only* good but it's what makes him unique as a carry, that and be slippery as shit.

                                            Other heroes I have trouble with are necro cus his nuke ignores invis and then his ult disables u long enough for enemy team to burst you under that threshold, but with linkens you can hold up pretty well. Same with doom, if you get doomed, gg but linkens is usually ample protection. Problem is having to rush linkens, not ideal.

                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                              Rupture should be bad for any hero, honestly.

                                              Dune, the Desert Planet


                                                All left talents.

                                                Wand, Aquila, Blight Stone, Lance, Diffusial, Mjolnir, Skadi with optional Linken's and BKB, upgrade to Pike when needed.

                                                Get Deso if there's no one to hit towers or you have Drow in team or something.

                                                Don't play versus Axe or Slardar-Naix.

                                                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                  Weavers skip boots when they dont have early ganks and shit, cuz with max shukuchi ur moving at max ms 4 seconds with 6 seconds cd. Sometimes u want treads for stats tho. Pretty sure u go aquila before boots anyway, and go more dps build. Diffusal against things like necro and sven and shit when u want to purge the enemy or against ursa and stuff to kite him. Deso for sieging, and against low armor or with other -armor. Mjollnir is good with veils on ur team and when u want creep clear and against high armor. I think instead of linkens bkb is just better cuz its less expensive by a bit and it allows weaver to actually run into a fight, something he cant do against certain lineups. Against blademail u have to min max survivability with dps, every time u pick up a dmg item pick up a survivability item. Ive also been thinking abt 4th item heart, smth like lance deso diffusal mkb pike heart, and just regen a lot, but idk seems rlly niche. Ive also been rlly liking bloodthorn, gives a sort of disable and utility which weaver doesnt have along with the same dps theme. Dont forget situational manta against silence, specifically the global kind.

                                                  Small Song

                                                    If you can guess your lane correctly and don't have to face stuns, I sometimes go for swarm then double attack first and get the 300 gold armor reducing thing to start with and go after aggressive rune spot. Surprisingly easy to get first blood. I'm low mmr though... but that means i have low mmr skill too, soo.... maybe that scales to those with ability.


                                                      I watching a video a few minutes ago , some player named hurricane was laning mid as sf against lina and they got ganked thrice by a WK and Ogre , WK was playing roam. How do you play WK roam?
                                                      It seemed to be more effective than jungle or safelane WK.

                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                        WK roam probably go 12121212
                                                        Idk only tried it like 2 or 3 times, its pretty good on pubs


                                                          That WK went 1313 I guess. Has anyone here ever tried it before ?

                                                          casual gamer

                                                            its good his stun is good

                                                            casual gamer

                                                              u just pair up with another roamer or alone and run around stunning people from smoke and they die

                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                Wtf this is a weaver thread

                                                                casual gamer

                                                                  weaver is also a good roamer


                                                                    @ endless

                                                                    When going roam weaver, and I'm assuming your ganking lanes, do you max swarm in that circumstance or still always invis?

                                                                    casual gamer

                                                                      idk honestly rofl. ive only ever roamed once (I was safelane weaver and their offlane was abaddon + tree) and I still maxed shukuchi


                                                                        I had a guy do it yesterday , Dont know his build but he went blight into medallion and roamed . He had the biggest impact in the stomp. The stomp was on us, not them sadly.

                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                          Roaming weaver is like support weaver I think, 4th position. You'd want to probably build solar crest and aghs and save teammates with ult, then hope to scale into late game. Someone in pros runs this a lot or did at boston, DC or ad finem I think.


                                                                            look at my pos 4 weaver build for guidance. a lot of pros are copying my build. cookie once made fun of it.


                                                                              i see a lot of weavers buying heart now. this i do not understand. you can just get skadi instead


                                                                                Pros build heart on weaver these days? I doubt it
                                                                                1ks have their own meta

                                                                                Story Time

                                                                                  heart is good to restore health once u dive out of the battle - so they say. This is why heart is good on all the illusive heros, who tend to go in and out several times

                                                                                  PS see here an example

                                                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                    some pros did build heart on weaver because of the sieging until low hp - run - repeat

                                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                                      I was going to say skadi doesn't stack with deso but damn, I might try it now. Dota 7.0!!!!