General Discussion

General DiscussionHere we are again, 4k.

Here we are again, 4k. in General Discussion

    I have peaked at 4.3k two Springs ago until I quit, came back, and dropped as low as 3.2k...

    I have since then made it to a game within 4k three different times. The first time I was 3999 MMR and lost 10 games straight. Second and third time, were both yesterday and I am at 3994 MMR right now. I have been playing better than I have in a while due to my positivity and awareness. I have also been given better teammates than I have had in a while, although some are still toxic and terrible. I hope to go home tonight and surpass the 4k marker once more.

    One thing I am wondering is how to have a controlled unit follow me all the time? I know if I click them and click on me they will follow only until they reach me. This will help my micro a bit more. Not that this would help me get 4k but it would help me when I use helm on an alpha wolf. Also I am wondering about using quick cast and how many of you use it? I know it helps in certain instances with blinking.

    Thanks all!

    doc joferlyn simp

      m --> right click they'll follow you anywhere

      edit: follow the unit you clicked on

      Този коментар е бил редактиран

        so ctrl + move + click?

        edit: or just move click on my hero?

        Този коментар е бил редактиран
        doc joferlyn simp

          as far as i remember m click is sufficient


            lul if u cant stay in 4k why u think u deserve ?
            me , for example qill never be 3k anymore in life cause i learned something but not sure if i can hit 5k soon ( by big wish in life u can say)

            Ghastly Wail

              Katz how high is your MMR from Main?
              Just wonder.



                Probably around 3.6-3.8