General Discussion

General DiscussionOut of lpq without enough wins

Out of lpq without enough wins in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    I got into lpq for abandoning games for irl reasons, then during one of my lpq matches internet went out and I abandoned that one. The game added a few wins needed and I won some and I had at least 2 left, maybe 3. But I haven't played since Thursday and when I got on today they were gone and I could queue for ranked. How does this happen or has it ever happened to you?

    Also how often can you abandon a game penalty free? Is it every x amount of games or is it x amount of days or some combo deal?

    1-IceTea 🌟

      Sometimes lqp gone after an update


        I think you can sit on 1 abandon with no lpq and it goes away after 20 completed games.


          This is a stupid thread.


            Ive had no lpq games after an abandon once, but thats cuz i warned them, made hella space, and our team ended up winning in the next 10 min so i dont think they reported me. Ive also had lpq games go away mysteriously, and i think as licetea says it, updates sometimes get rid of em.


              They removed LPQ games for everyone after the last update caused people to abandon games giving them LPQ

              Dire Wolf

                oh i see

                I can't confirm if it's 20 games or what. I took like a 3 month break off and just barely got 20 games in between abandons during that break.


                  I was under the impression that you can abandon one game a week without ending up in LP