General Discussion

General DiscussionHow should I help a new player to learn dota?

How should I help a new player to learn dota? in General Discussion

    Hello everyone, i was wondering how can I make learn dota to a friend

    He told me that he want to learn support, so i tried to make him play CM (didn't worked well) against bots and explaining all the things hapening in the game

    then he tried bane, i was surprised that he actualy played him better than cm and actualy love him

    Im quite bad at explaining thinks, so what should he learn? (he played LoL, so he know the tiny basics of MOBAs, but dota is harder to learn and he is quite confused with the items as well)

    also, what items do he need to build on bane? i told him blink/force staff (Midas early game?)
    (Ps: how the fuck do you move elder titan's spirit? thanks)

    pls help

    Gabba Gabba Games TTV everything a newbie needs to know is explained in a calm and easy way here


        Ahh... he needs some transition from lol to dota. Here is some important things he should know

        -Teleport must buy
        -U can kill your own allies to deny xp and gold at enemies
        -you can change the minimap position to the right if he still used at lol's minimap
        -we have runes at our river
        -want to die twice? Ask roshan at the top river
        -we have courier services that helping u build items while u afk farming
        -there is no bushes in dota, only high cliffs and trees
        -check the side shop and secret shop u will get more cancerous items there.
        -dying at enemy means feed gold.


          -I tell him to buy scrolls every time he can
          -i made him denie a tower, but not creeps atm
          -i will tell him about that
          -I told him about the runes as well
          -he is confused about the courer tho, but he will deal with it :p
          -i don't know if he understood with the 2games he played
          -I tell him to buy stuff on side and secret so he knows that :p
          -"you lose gold when you die?" he realised that as well :p

          anyway we will see tonight.

          Any good EARLY supports to make him learn? he don't like being weak early


            i'd tell him to not waste time with this stupid garbage game


              Viper supp is going to be lul. Put corrosive skin and poison attack at max for maximum memes of harrasement...


                @arin. he HAVE time to waste, thats why he play CS:GO and now dota.

                Този коментар е бил редактиран
                Ghastly Wail

                  Well i really like Lich, he is pretty fast.

                  Can deal damage with first Skill.
                  Can use Shield on Allies, Creeps, Towers and himself with second Skill.
                  Sacrifice Allied Creeps for Mana with third Skill (he dont need to worry about Manaitems).
                  And kinda 'strong' Teamfight Ult.

                  Pan!c at the N3gr0

           this is a very good game guide for dota2.... or youtube sir,,,,,, 6k mmr here...


                      tell him to go dagon with all supports and then finnish all the mess with it


                        You can't really teach him much tho I mean he already have MOBA experience he came from LoL after all, so all he needs is transitioning between LoL and DOTA 2, if he wants to learn DOTES well he has to do it the hard way like we did.

                        let him watch Purge tutorials although I didn't really tried that tutorial but some people say its a good tutorial, and also Purge is a really good analyst.


                          I can remember when i teach my gf how to play Dota. There are a few easiest hero to learn focus on only 1 hero for 3 days or even a week with bots 1st. Then slowly add another one for the next week and then another one. It took her 2 months before she started playing in the pubs. And i am guiding her and telling her what to do or buy the whole time. until she builds up the muscle memory.

                          For beginners the easiest hero will be 1.Sand King 2.Wraith King and 3.Shadow Shaman.
                          As the 3 heroes skills are pretty straight forward, easy to understand and fits most draft and situation.
                          I hope this information helps :D

                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                            Don't go to purge ffs that guy will bore anybody to death.


                              let him play viper dual lane with you


                                LE"EM PLAY THOSE A HUNDRED TIMES EACH

                                Forget me not

                                  Tell him to help the team to destroy the ancient , lul.


                                    I had to teach my gf how to move and position the camera. It's funny how we take the little things for granted. Game was incredibly difficult for her even against passive bots. I made her play a lot of lich. Imo the simplest hero in the game. That's why u see lich is one of my most spammed heroes.