General Discussion

General Discussion600+ gpm for carries.

600+ gpm for carries. in General Discussion

    How do I obtain 600+ gpm for hard carries or midlane heroes. The best I could do with tryharding is 585 avg. I get 60-70 last hits by 12 minutes. And btw, I know im bad at dota. But 2k is a whole new world of stupid teammates especially in SEA. Too much language barriers. Gonna try playing on EU servers tommorow. Please cookie or someone, list out things that NS players don't have to get gud.


      you need to farm and kill heroes


        But 2k is a whole new world of stupid teammates especially in SEA. Too much language barriers.
        No excuses
        Most of them are first picked and I usually end up solo laning with a jungler eating my plan B for farm
        You just focus on your own gameplay
        You can't remove the stupidity and ignorance from your teammates' brain, but you can remove your own stupidity and ignorance from yourself


          Be disciplined


            No excuses

            exactly, whenever i go mid at 2k ,I buy my own wards and courier
            60-70 lh is okish i guess for your mmr but that doesnt justify it if you want to climb
            either you dont know how to farm properly or have dogshit farming patterns, just practice and watch how good players farm (replays)


              no, 60-70 is fucking awful for your mmr

              you should have 100-120 by then.


                you're asking to much from him cookie


                  if he wants higher mmr he has to play like a high mmr player

                  mr. rabbit

                    pretty much


                      Kelly I miss your fuckboy profile pic


                        just look at the one I use in the whatapps chat if that helps you sleep at night


                          @cookie. Thanks for the advice. Saw the list. Can't wait to try it after school tommorow! @Dissolution. Holy crap man get to 1.9 then tell me ROFL. Just saying I buy my own dust/wards when I need to because I see 4k+ players do so too.


                            Only 80 creeps spawn in 10minutes right?
                            4creeps * 2 = 8. (4creeps every 30sec so * 2 for every minute)
                            8creeps * 10mins= 80.
                            Correct me if I'm wrong. I'm just a new player. Ty.
                            So how can you get 100lh with only creeps on lane?

                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                              pick puck, get level 25. kill 2 creeps per minute

                              mr. rabbit

                                hi guys i play sea so many thrower i will move to eu because theres no language barrier (i can understand italian german russian and other eu language even tho me is pinoy and barely literate engrish) and 300 ping isnt an issue because 2k eu = 7k sea 2k eu pick sd luna every gaem and rax at 15 min

                                mr. rabbit


                                  i heard theres this new rhing called jungle that has creeps in it


                                    but you can farm jungle and there are catapults. If you're strictly in lane you could get like ~85 in lane or something like that but if you're good you can farm camps as well.


                                      Pyontan, I said only lane creeps .

                                      I forgot bout the catapults , even though it is suppose to be around 85-86


                                        It's 82


                                          Last time I tried with jugg I got 100 or 99ish at min 10


                                            ^With jungle? Of course


                                              i dont know i never see my last hit count i just play and somehow gets high gpm haha

                                              casual gamer

                                                waht a nerd i dont get high gpms my avg tinker gpms 550 4head


                                                  implying you need to hit creeps ever after you get agh tinker

                                                  casual gamer

                                                    backpack bkb buyback and sheep are all really necessary honestly my low cs total probably holds me back a bit


                                                      I deserve higher mmr but my gpm drags me down

                                                      casual gamer


                                                        Use chatwhell=mute

                                                          Try alche lul


                                                            I mean my 500 gpm is like 150 more than the average carry at my bracket so I think I'm okay for another 1500 mmr

                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                              creeps have to run down the lane though so I think you only have access to 78? It doesn't really matter, just try not to miss cs in lane and figure out how to farm jungle too.

                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                gpm depends a lot on your hero and team's heros. So many games my offlaners or mids will clear the entire jungle and then if you're playing a hero like weaver you don't farm jungle as much, you go farm heroes. TB and AM should have super high gpm.


                                                                  i have on some heroes average more than 600 gpm... like ursa, its ez to obtain it, farm farm, fuck enemies up and continue to farm, ez recipe


                                                                    Good luck getting over 600 gpm when your dusa leaves mid after 12:00 to afk farm the jungle til 30:00

                                                                    also jdf8

                                                                      farm the enemy jungle while killing them then

                                                                      playing lower skill games invariably leads to higher stats unless you are not better than them

                                                                      Ave with an internet pfp

                                                                        To get a 600 gpm is not hard you need to understand about :

                                                                        - Farming Partern : If you understand about the partern of your hero farming style then you most likely to get a very fast farm.
                                                                        -Maps Control : The more Maps control you have the more resuorse you can get from the map.
                                                                        -Die less : Dying less makes you lose lesser gold and more times to farm . The most important ways to die less are Maps Awareness and Advange on enemy hero

                                                                        Well there are more but you should be at fine with this and try to finish cookie's challange , you can find me on steam if you can't fiuger (whatever it spelled) out how to do it

                                                                        Johnny Rico

                                                                          hit creeps, dont ever stop, when i play furion, i tp lane to lane hit creeps, attack move with my treants, never go for kills, only for objectives, and get around 700 gpm.


                                                                            enemy jungle is farm heaven in 2k
                                                                            You farm their jungle, try to rat when you cant fight them, and fight them when you have the opportunity to do so and make your own space


                                                                              Smh lost with meta heroes and shat on people with AM
                                                                              3k is so random