1- weaver, terrorblade, pa, jug. Weaver is unstoppable if you don't hard counter, TB similar, PA and jug just solid picks
3- sand king, cent, slardar, all playmakers, all strong
4- jakiro, lich, silencer, i like lane supports
aba, cent off , bara tree as supp and carry is always a bit situational weaver, jugg, troll, tb ,venge,naix are my favorits atm
My go-to hero pool:
1. Luna (53.6% WR)
2. Spectre (65% WR)
3. Spiritbreaker (42.86% WR)
4. Keeper of the Light (100% WR - 3 matches lmao)
5. Warlock (50% WR - 2 matches lmao)
Special mentions:
6. Wraith King (66% WR)
7. Bloodseeker (49% WR)
1. Invoker (64% winrate in last 3 months)
2. Slardar (69% winrate)
3. PA (69% winrate)
4. Pudge (62% winrate)
5. Ember Spirit (58% winrate - 71% this patch)
With those heroes, I have 3 mids, a safelane carry, and two position 4 supports.
Honorable Mention Cuz Ridiculous Winrate:
Phoenix (81.25% winrate over 48 games).
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i play 1,3,4 roles the most gimme your top 5 good/op heroes for these roles preferrably (if possible make it sure that it is applicable to 4k games) thanks a lot guys hahaaa