General Discussion

General DiscussionShould MMR go negative?

Should MMR go negative? in General Discussion
Chao Vritra

    I have mixed opinions on ranked MMR in dota the way it is now. I don't think its completely broken but I think they could do a few things to make it better. But for the most part it seems to be fairly accurate. But I don't want this topic to be about arguing whether dota MMR is perfect or not.

    I was just curious, do you guys think MMR should go negative? Maybe this is a dumb idea, but I just feel that there are so many bad players in dota (not that I consider myself to be 'good' or anything), and they account for probably 90 percent of the players. I just feel there is such a concentration of bad players at the lower MMR that it turns into a lottery. I am not saying that there is an ELO hell or anything, but I think it is safe to agree that the lower in MMR you play at the more feeders you play with. And when I say feeders, i do not mean a player that dies often, I am talking about people that get mad and literally feed intentionally. It happens way too often. And also people that just play poorly...sit there and auto attack while they get harassed and die...go afk...jsut dumb stuff.I am not a 2k player but I used to be, so I have personal experience in this bracket.

    Anyway, as a result of this high concentration in bad players, I feel a lot of times games end up coming down to who feeds less. Again, I am not implying that an ELO hell exists or anything, a truly good player can make the climb out of 2k-3k, but it is still much harder for the average player to win in this enviroment.

    What if MMR went negative? What if this concentration of intentional feeders/players that dont care or are so bad they keep dying were able to go below 0? I think it would clean up the 0k-3k bracket and create a more serious atmosphere.

    Anyway maybe this is just a dumb idea, I am not saying it is a good one...Just an interesting thought. And again (I cant stress this enough) I am not saying the MMR is broken or that there is an ELO hell. I do think it could use a few improvements, nothing is perfect, but I do not want to get into that. I am just curious what people think of this. Good or bad idea, what do you think this would do to MMR? Would the average MMR rise? Would it create a more stable enviroment?


      I won't read your post, not out of respect, but because I need to kill your train of tough before it becomes a wreck:

      People already joke MMR. Road to 1 MMR, Solo MMR 420, Solo MMR 322. If you create a "negative mmr", you will see people, literally, rushing to be the first -10K god.

      There are many other wrong things to talk about, again, with all due respect, it's better to end here instead of shitting all over your idea.

      doc joferlyn simp

        ^that about raps it up


          Well what Professor said, yeah there is no point in doing that negative thingy.

          Chao Vritra

            but even so, at least things like 'rushing to -10k' would only affect the cesspool underneath 1k-0k as opposed to it affecting 0k-2k the way it already does. People would finally just fall through the floor and not come back to ruin games. But you did not read my post so you did not see the the points I am trying to present anyway, as I read and considered yours. I think I made a few if nto valid points, at least something to consider.

            But regardless, I am not whining or say dota needs to be this way, I am just curious what other people think of this. Thank you for putting your feelings on it out there


              The 0k to 1k bracket is different from the 1k to 2k bracket which is different from the 2k to 3k bracket. If someone goes full autism at 2k he will drop to 1k and below and wont be matched with 2k or 3ks anymore??

              So i don't see how negative MMR cleans up anything. The only place with true potatoes is 0k to 1k and that is easy enough to climb out off.

              Also believe it or not, Full retards and tilted players exists in all MMR ranges


                Dis so TRUE xD

                Also believe it or not, Full retards and tilted players exists in all MMR ranges


                  Just make anything under 1k hidden and pool the whole bracket together. Call it recreational ranked or developmental or something


                    it's not different really just more memes as they said and well if u wanna tryhard u gonna grind. also 5k feeders and acc buyers and triggered ppl who search next game and ruin it from start always are gonna be there this aint a fix


                      Making mmr negative only shifts the scale, those crappy players will go down and so will the crappy non toxic players. It literally does nothing. Pretty retarded post.


                        Btw 50% of the player base is 2kish or under not 90% wtf kinda number is that


                          If 90% of the playerbase is 2k miracle would be 5k

                          1-IceTea 🌟

                            So the question come -
                            Do OP have negative IQ?