General Discussion

General DiscussionBest role to play

Best role to play in General Discussion

    Recently I lost some very dumb games like my last SB game where i pbought 20 wards with score 19 7 24, created insane space mid game and somehow still lost in lategame.

    I know no matter what your team does you can still win (just that mentioned SB game, enemy team was feeding but jugg still won the game)

    Would you recommend playing safelane mostly until i get reliable teammtes as safelane carries?

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      I'm kind of uncertain here...when i play offlane i feel like i can destroy their early game but if my safelane farms bad i just loose.
      though i feel i enjoy offlane the most and it suits me best....


        role that you enjoy playing the most


          I actually don't enjoy playing pos 1 but I enjoy winning


            play the role you play the most, seriously.


              ok then i probably keep spamming CK, wk and huskar as pos 1

              Forget me not

                I don't think you will have a good time huskar, without a cooperative team

                ROAD TO HERALD 0

                  Playing Huskar without Kuku's skill or TNC-level support? Good luck HaHaa.

                  Have you tried spamming cuckwerk like Admiral.Tea.Eye.Weiner?


                    I only pick huskar when enemies have no or few stun and physical burst, just because i like playing him


                      yeah i thought about clockwerl but i will not buy force kappa.

                      just because i like ganking

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                        Play your best role imo, u cant say theres a best role to get higher mmr, if ur giving higher than usual impact u will get higher wr, a position 1 can farm all he want but if lets say his support cm have only trenq boots while enemy support lion have early blink he will turn the game, every role makes a difference depending on ur impact, but if ur waay more skilled the best role is mid for boosting but u must be way better

                        ROAD TO HERALD 0

                          if ur waay more skilled the best role is mid for boosting but u must be way better

                          I agree with Fire here, if you can get very good at heroes like alchem and meepo, carrying even 4 idiot teammates in normal skill is no difficult thing. Those heroes scale insanely fast, and they use their farm advantage to beat up everyone else well before most other enemy carries want to fight.

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