General Discussion

General DiscussionSpamming to reach 4k

Spamming to reach 4k in General Discussion

    supprot lyf is hard how to git gud on earth spirit?


      well if you don't die so much you'd be 10k already


        for a support what is the avg. death? all my deaths are me trying to save my core and being stupid...

        doc joferlyn simp

          i heard anything below 2 digits is acceptable


            learn ES invoker tinker and u wll get naturally but it takes time tho


              There are better supports than Earth Spirit to spam. I'd say spam pos 4. slardar, pudge and rubick.
              Can't give any advice on ES, sorry D:

              Nice win streak btw, keep it up.

              Този коментар е бил редактиран
              boob enjoyer

                bs bruh.


                  GL dude. I'm trying to get to 4k as well. I suggest watching JeRax videoes on youtube and try practicing them. Hope it helps.

                  1-IceTea 🌟

                    ^Too Hardcore for a newbie better go watch 5K-6K first


                      I'm pretty good with slardar, pudge and rubick and iv'e been doing the pos 4 slardar since 3 years ago was not acceptable back then got flamed xD


                        With the ES I play mid laner, I have 61 matches with him, after the 40 or 30 I went to get the hang of how to perform it well.


                          Im loving ES as support. He also has versatile build. Stuns, silence, slow and nukes. He's got everything.

                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                            @boomcondor u are normal skill with 30% winrate in ranked probably shouldnt give others advice

                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                              Fuck tou nikki


                                @Bws so noob haHAA im 12 btw
                                What did i do to you? i only ask for some advice


                                  My team doesn't have a problem with me tho it's only i think i die too much

                                  Cancer Malaria

                                    ES is heavily positioning depended from what I heard, getting in and initiating is easy but getting out thats the real shit to master

                                    Cancer Malaria

                                      he needs his blink to be effective in the mid to late game, if you dont have it at the time required then you will die a lot in the mid game


                                        I only get blink depending on the situation


                                          I prefer playing mk because he is the easier version of es lmao. Ask bws and sia why i am so mad at you