General Discussion

General Discussionwould this PC be enough to run dota as is?

would this PC be enough to run dota as is? in General Discussion
Chao Vritra

    I really dont care about playing on super high settings, I just want to be able to play dota at full frames, I play on a 10 year old computer and it is on its last limb and barely runs dota.

    And yes I know building one is always the better option but I am not in a position where I am able to pay hundreds for a decent PC. So is this computer good enough to play dota? I know it might need a video card (assuming it is not a slim PC) but otherwise the specs look decent. I am not super tech savy. I realize I could google the requirements for dota but I feel like the requirements have changed.

    edit: feel free to provide an alternate choice if this is not good enough/more than I need. I really can't afford to pay more than a couple hundred right now. I play with everything on low and it still is probably 30 fps for me, less in fights. so i am not looking for anything crazy, just want to be able to have smooth frames

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      I have seen several of these (Alot of them going around atm). It is a 2nd gen. i5. Not really any graphics capabilities at all. You'd have to see if it would support smth like a gtx 1050 mini card ($115+- 20 on Newegg).

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        no, it's garbage, waste of money, buy everything used, or save some more this is not an option, just a pile of junk, it's not meant for gaming.

        Chao Vritra

          ok I appreciate the feedback guys glad I did a little research. This one just caught my eye because it was on special. My brother can play on a prebuilt non gaming desktop so i figured this might run. I mean im running it now with 2 gigs of ram, radeon 4850, and a 2 core processor. So I just assumed this would be an upgrade to that


            140$ is way too rexpensive, u can get urself a better setup for 140$, i got a <200$ setup and run dota @60 fps on high settings


              you can find some decent computers on craigslist for ~400$

              Chao Vritra

                140 is too expensive? are you trolling me now or did you really do this lol. Can you point me in the right direction, or do you just wait till parts are on sale? I would much rather build one, I just assumed prebuilt was a better option since I am not looking to run it on very high. Cant wait to start playing ranked again, i gave it up till I could play at full frames.


                  i mean 140$ is too expensive for THAT pc, you should spend minimum 140$.


                    How about for 1 month you spend every hour that you would be playing Dota, working instead. Then you can afford to spend 1000 on any PC you want and play on max settings at 120 FPS.

                    Chao Vritra

                      I already work a lot and my money has to go to IRL stuff, otherwise I would just buy one right now. I think I might just have to buy one part every week or something. I am just not good at saving. Can you possibly link me your build longevity, or tell me what you used?


                        if you want to buy a new one, that's kinda on a cheap and doesn't suck, look at something like this
                        if you want to buy a new one that's really cheap and also doesn't suck, look at something like this


                          you shouldnt need to spend more than 200-250 for a pc that runs dota, overwatch, battlefield at 150 fps on 1080p high settings.

                          $75 video card

                          $130 dell PC

                          i5-3570 is a damn good cpu for the cost. obviously this particular one you'll need to re-use your old case and hard drive, but its free shipping and its "buy it now".

                          $205 for a setup that out-performs the $800 prebuilt crap from bestbuy.

                          1-IceTea 🌟

                            Behold Lord Beerus the destroyer of the universe starting to set up his PC now!