General Discussion

General DiscussionTinker jungle

Tinker jungle in General Discussion

    How do you play tinker when someone marked mid even when you had marked it first and picked tinker. That person was the last pick but still he marked mid and started saying he is going mid so I didnt know what to do so I gave him mid. I went offlane.
    How do you jungle with tinker?
    Skill build and item build? Ty


      buy quelling blade and first item build soul ring, max the 3rd skill (March of the Machines). stacking creeps camp. in 8-9 you will get boots of travel


        Starting items iron talon and optional tango to keep your health up.
        Rush soul ring then buy boots of speed and a tp scroll.
        You should skill 2 0 3 1 by level 6 then tp home when you have about 1750 gold and sell yor iron talon to complete your boots of travels. Generally saves about 1-2 mins that way.


          I tried jungle tink and guess what i found.fucking mud golems at every medium camp


            I played 2 matches with tinker,1 with jungle and it was pretty fun. Will spam it till the end of the world

            also jdf8

              talon + 2 clarity -> bottle -> sr -> travel


                I thought its Sr travel and bottle.

                pls be patient very noob ...

                  You could also try tinker offlane with a lane buddy. Basically level skills 1-2 and try to burst down whoever is in your lane. Pretty risky but pays off quite well if done right.