General Discussion

General DiscussionMeta shift towards late game again?

Meta shift towards late game again? in General Discussion
Erase Humanity

    Just curious, aren't 7.03-7.04 games longer than 7.00-7.02? ( gold reduction, more armor for towers, more experience needed to hit level 6,...) Just watching DAC games, and many of the games are freaking long and physical late game cores are back.


      Yeah, in 7.00 it was 15min hg sd luna but since they're gone and other early push things, the games are considerably longer.

      Ryan Gosling Fan

        All my games are 30min sniper lina deathball stuff lately


          Had tons of 50min games lately xd


            I hate long games, i juat enjoy clean and fast stomps


              Just lost a 70 min game.. ugh