General Discussion

General Discussionbeing extremely underlevelled as a support

being extremely underlevelled as a support in General Discussion
mr. rabbit

    whenever i play support im lv 4-5 10 mins into the game

    i feel like ive done nothing during those 10 mins too to justify my low levels, sincei dont know what i generally should be doing. even from 10-15 mins im still not doing anything except run around the map randomly taking runes and stacking

    also when is the best time to go mid? theoretically is it when ive zoned the offlaner enough? is it better to gank mid if my mid is suffering or if he has the lead so we can take the tower (or is it matchup dependent)

    Тази тема била редактирана

      Hmm really makes you think :thinking:


        Depending on what kind of support you are playing, and what other support you have in your team (assuming you have). A crystal maiden who has jungle potential early on has a different approach to, say a lion or a rubick. Of course and also what farm priority you have (4 or 5) and understanding your lanes matchups.

        Personally my rule of thumb:

        1. Bounty runes, both ours and opponent's. Always have control over your bounties and if possible steal theirs, especially if you have a tri lane vs solo offlane.

        2. Maintaining creep equilibrium by not attacking creeps at all, and denying exp from their offlane by pulling neutrals (the big camp not the small one).

        3. Depending on matchup, sometimes it is always necessary to babysit your carry until he/she hits a power spike (like luna/slark hitting 6), but never forget tp scrolls early in case of early rotations to your mid.

        4. Roaming is viable if your carry is capable of going 1v1 with the enemy offlane, but even that it is important to rotate back to ensure your carry gets a lead. Also try to roam at night so the opponent has less vision (never underestimate smokes as it is always worth should the rotation succeed).

        5. Babysitting your mid is rarely viable unless your mid is noob.

        6. Understanding your mid hero, for example a templar can start to be aggressive early once she has a deso but an invoker would typically stay lane till 20 or so for the midas and aghs. So draft matters as you and your fellow support will need to fill in that gap.

        7. Taking towers early are good, but do not overextend as respawn timers are low early.

        Just my 2 cents. Hope some higher mmr players can help to fill in/correct me.


          Maybe understanding your own spikes? Like if you play es you can roam at lv 1, bara lv 3, lion lv 2 or if you play disrup who dont gank reliable enough, you just babysit your carry, take bounty and always looking for countergank by tp until you hit your spike (lv6)