General Discussion

General DiscussionSB vs Dagger on Slark

SB vs Dagger on Slark in General Discussion
Mikha Lim~

    Dagger is already an old item for slark but throughout the weeks, more and more players are picking up dagger for faster mobility.

    When is it good to build dagger? What kind of lineup is it effective against? How come that it is becoming a more casual pickup than sb?

    Ghastly Wail

      You dont build a Dagger, since its a 1 Component Item you just buy it.


        If your team has strong lockdown, like lc, bane, etc. then a blinkdagger is better for closing gaps, if they have no aoe it also almost guarantees a blink out of shadow dance, however in lower mmr games shadow blade/silver edge is too good to pass on

        mr. rabbit

          u build dagger if u want to blink


            Dagger > Lower cost, and on paper has no viable counters. Able to participate in teamfight earlier since its cheaper.
            SB/SE > Easily countered with sentries and dust, since the whole point of invis is to pick off solo enemies.

            Depending on who you are playing with/against, should the situation favour early teamfights more and less opportunities for solo pickoffs, I personally would get a dagger. But with that said in pubs it should be more common and viable for SB/SE and to snowball with it.

            But slark isn't strong in this meta now so mehhhh.