General Discussion

General DiscussionAny tips of how to improve as spiritbreaker?

Any tips of how to improve as spiritbreaker? in General Discussion

    Thats my best hero


      buy dagon

      one syllable anglo-saxon

        bash more


          Pray to Gabe before any match...


            Only charge if it is a certian kill.

            also jdf8

              charge through everyone for 5 man stun kreygasm

              1-IceTea 🌟

                ^If you can do that that's best,successful charge back line hero and knock other hero while fighting gonna help alot


                  Keep in check everyone's TP cooldown so you'll be sure if you charge there won't be any chance of countergank

                  mr. rabbit

                    lmao whats there to learn about spirit breaker this shit is braindead af


                      Break the spirits of your opponents.

                      GRANT MACDONALD

                        Hit the enemy ancient


                          u need to pray to god from ur heart to get more bahses works for cuz i know god loves me

                          Ramtin H

                            I think the best place for spirit is offlane and with poorsman u can even trade hits with the enemy carry too
                            buy power then rush echo saber after that build solar chest or heaven halberds or if u want full carry go s$y and ac and hearth but i guess the utillity spirit is great and u have higer % of wining games
                            I think best full item for utillity spirit is
                            power , echo saber , heaven halbers,solar chest,pipe,crimson guard,and bkb i guess
                            try this. It never let u down :) GL!


                              you never buy echo sabre dude...its 7.04, not 6.88.

                              also your item timings are awful, piwer treads at minute 20? i suggest you learn how to maximize farm in the offlane, just search on youtube


                                just go treads, everything else is situational. Hood into pipe, bkb, ac, sb, crimson, lotus, urn, drum, solar crest, blademail, vlads, even glimmer.
                                If ur gonna support start out with oov, if offlane dont pms anymore, its better to buy 2 sets of regen and stout.

                                CAN I HAVE NORMAL GAME PLS

                                  press Q on enemy mid


                                    lol these kids.

                                    There's 2 possible ways to play an effective Spiritbreaker, position 4 roamer or position 3 offlane.

                                    In whichever case, he is best picked if Enemy lineup doesn't have "enough" disables to stop your charge.
                                    "Enough" - for me is if they have only have 1 or 2 regular skill disables (not ultimates)

                                    Position 4 Roamer
                                    - Starting Items: OOV + Wind Lace + Faerie Fire (he is tanky enough to gank badly positioned heroes; not very ideal in zoning out heroes but it works sometimes)
                                    - Early Game Items: Tango (optional) + Brown boots + TP + Urn of Shadows (depending on how well you created space, these items should be completed by the time you are level 6; Most of the ganks/charges you will do may lead to diving T1 towers, so always bring a TP so you have an exit plan right after the kill)
                                    - Mid Game Items: Treads + Urn of Shadows + Stick/Wand + Echo Sabre OR direct Shadow Blade (depending on how good your early game is or how enemies react to your ganks, you either go for Echo Sabre or Shadow Blade. Go Echo Sabre if you're still able to pull off successful charges (past the laning phase). Go Shadow Blade if they can already defend your charges.
                                    - Should you buy Midas? Typically, after Treads + Urn + Wand, I buy Midas if enemy starts to group up in anticipation of my ganks. When this happens, you switch your mindset from ganking to farming since you have already created ENOUGH SPACE to do so. Again, if they are not able to stop you, continunig the aggression with Echo Sabre or Shadow Blade is a very strong item choice.
                                    - Late game Items is very situational. He is still best built as Utility hero so buying items such as Vlads, AC, Lotus Orb are very good. Your personal item choices would just be between - BKB, Silver Edge or Aghs. I love buying Aghs but most of the time, I'm not able to utilize it well enough because if I was able to purchase that, it means we're so far ahead of the game already and my babysitted carries can already own them.

                                    Position 3 Offlane Spiritbreaker should generally be the same but the early game is focused on getting levels as quickly as possible.
                                    Starting Items: Stout Shield (upgrade to PMS) + Tangos + Salve (you need the stout for enemy harass)
                                    Early Game Items: Iron Talon + Brown Boots + Urn of Shadows OR Midas (depending on lane and game situation, the decision between Midas and Urn of Shadows is crucial. Going for Midas will decrease the effectiveness of your early game kills but prepares you for mid game a little bit earlier. Typically, I go for Midas because risking my death in creating space that early is not worth it (i'll be going up against under-leveled supports protecting their cores).
                                    Mid Game Items: Shadow Blade OR Echo Sabre (mid game to late game would already be similar playstyle with what I mentioned above. The only difference is that you go online faster by playing as offlaner.)
                                    Late Game Items: BKB + Scepter (since you have more levels and farm, the Scepter can theoretically be more efficient since you'll be able to use it earlier when people are not yet grouping up that much)


                                      I roam the map the whole game. Charge!