General Discussion

General DiscussionBest wraith king build in ur opinion

Best wraith king build in ur opinion in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    I did a jungle wk and it was super fast with the new runes. With camps only spawning every 2 minutes you have plenty of time to kill the cluster of three camps bottom radiant and grab the rune then run top kill those and get rune and not miss anything. I kept pace level wise with solo offlaners and farmed faster than a contested safe lane. I may try to run this more often.

    We crushed the game all around so any item build would've worked, I did the armlet, blade mail, radiance build and it was great but I could've built anything like a fucking bloodthorne and manta and won the game.

    doc joferlyn simp

      ^do you think that the jungling would allow to stack both qb and iron talon to reach max efficiency item-wise?

      Dire Wolf

        I used both and jungled pretty freaking fast. I started with iron talon + tangos and bought a qb first 200g I got. Think about the dmg, 24 is a phase boots for 200g. After that I stole enough life from vamp aura I didn't need shield to reduce dmg or any more regen and cleared all the camps I wanted between spawns, limiting factor was really walking speed.

        I never really thought about it before but I'll bet stacking qb + iron opens up a lot of junglers. Like before dk could do it with dragons blood regen but he fucking sucked and was slow. Now with +48 dmg after like the first camp? He'd probably be fine.

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        Fox McCloud

          I know i'm probably using the item wrong ... But i never liked armlet on WK.

          The moment you get the item your lifesteal aura barely does anything so i find myself being way too low health during quite a lot of times - not to mention, this is pre lvl 2 ulti. So i don't see the trade off of being so much more squishy.

          Dire Wolf

            You can't leave it on, you have to toggle. Fights are over quick enough to keep from dying, then turn it off and get to full off creeps