General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to make midgame AM work

How to make midgame AM work in General Discussion
Fox McCloud

    Let's say by some stroke of bad luck ... you random Anti-Mage.

    How would you build this hero without BF? And instead focusing on early teamfights and faster Manta?

    My theory right now: PMS, Orb of Venom, Wand, Treads, Vlads, Yasha, Basher, Manta.

    I'd like some thoughts on: Vanguard, Echo Sabre, Rod of Atos, Blademail.

    casual gamer

      qb talon + vg echo manta bash

      dont do it


        AM without BF has been speculated and tried time and time again but it's always been underwhelming

        Slahser's vanguard build is decent apparently but BF is just a must have


          IMO u depend on your BF for your farm.
          I did once tried Mithiril Hammer build and allows you to start clearing the jungle faster but you get eventually to a very serious issue...mana pool. Apart from the cleave and dmg the BF helps your mana pool and if you switch treads each time before you blink you can have save tons of mana. I saw once here a guy who had a very good win rate by going echo on AM, maybe someone can help posting his account.
          If by any chance I need to change the build ill go vanguard, manta, basher, ags (if needed) if not rush the Abyssal...but is not that much of a chance...also try the Quelling blade plus Iron talon...jungle dies in seconds. Some thought :)


            Solar Crest + Hood of Defiance
            Become the truly unkillable 15 minute AM


              stout, oov, vlad, bots, manta, abyssmal blade and wards to counter opponent jungler
              since you are not farming u must not let the opponent farm too
              be everywhere in the map

              see my am with the least farm

              also jdf8

                travels in an aggressive early game build :thinking:


                  Echo is garbage tbh
                  Let's build an item designed for hard hitting heroes with high BAT so that they can burst people quick on a hero with one of the highest attack speed in the game!!!!
                  I tried VG aquila few days ago and it's also underwhelming
                  BF feels ways too good to pass up


                    So you can aggressively split push early game

                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                      If you are getting OrbVenom you roaming thats early game AM not mid game AM

                      Oh, watch Team World VS China DAC 2017 Miracle- pos4 AM