General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR to Skill Level

MMR to Skill Level in General Discussion

    Now, I don't pretend to be an expert on this topic, just thought that its something worth discussing.

    As of now, the brackets are as such...
    Normal Skill - 3200 and under
    High Skill - 3200 through 3700
    Very High Skill - 3700 and above

    I'm not aware how long they have been this way, but I feel they should be changed to something like this:

    Normal Skill - 3000 and under
    High Skill - 3000 through 5000
    Very High Skill - 5000 and above

    The reason I say this, is because (through my observation) the skill differences between 2k, 3k and 4k is very small. Yes, there is a clear difference, but to have the centerpiece in MMR to be 3k really makes any player in that range from being a player of all three brackets. Besides, since the introduction of MMR, players have reached the 9k mark, something that was unheard of back then. Clearly, the skill level has also diluted across the board.

    Thoughts? Suggestions?


      I agree.


        Yes but not that it matters anyway


          "differences between 2k, 3k and 4k is very small"
          Are you high?
          I got a lot of friends who play dota, unfortunately the closest one to me skill-wise is a dude who peaked at 4.2k, the rest are mid 2ks and a high 3k and the difference between them is fucking huge.


            VHS should be 5.5 or 6k and above. It's sad seeing some 5ks play
            And the differences between 2-4k are small. All 3 brackets are a joke, but 4ks rage the hardest


              if it's that small how come you are stuck below 3k after nearly 2000 matches? don't kid yourself

              tho I do agree with the OP that skill brackets don't show much. Think it should be like that

              4k-not-so-self-aware retards
              7k-hardcore nerds
              8k-go get a life unless you are in pro scene
              9k-DOTA GODZ

              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                ^He definitely lives up to his username.

                On topic:
                Although I understand where you are coming from, but at the end of the day the system still tries to matche up players with the closest numbers no? If that is true your case in point is merely changing the title of skill bracket to something else. Yet with that said I believe the definitions of good and bad are subjective by itself, I mean in 7k mmr games I'm pretty sure the phrase 6k scrubs got thrown around like a plushie, but to most of us being in 6k is something near impossible to attain. The number itself doesn't mean anything, just the average score of his playing style, and there might be something a 4k player lacks comparatively to a 3k, but excels in other aspects greatly. Of course let's not put 5k+ into the picture as most of the community are in this bracket, and those who reached the holy land of 5k clearly are doing something we 4k and below aren't doing enough.

                A 2k player vs a 4k has huge difference in skill. I have friends from that bracket and the way they look at a game is very different compared to how a typical 4k would. Imo its due to firstly the overall personal skill aspect of the game, and the culture of how a 2k game is played compared to a 4k game.


                  I've been playing a lot of Party Ranked, average being 3500-3800 and almost all have been "VHS"


                    "2k player vs a 4k has a huge difference in skill."

                    The biggest difference between 2k and 4k isn't in itself "SKILL" as much as "ABUSE."
                    Abusing heroes (spamming flavor of the month), abusing lack of vision, out of position heroes, a won team fight. Abusing that tiny bit of knowledge they have over the other team.

                    1-IceTea 🌟

                      Agreed with most of y'all but the NS/HS/VHS things is a trash things that serve as a tools to motivate player in that bracket to play for their kappa pride.
                      As we knew most of player are in NS/HS and when the VHS is not far they will keep play for it.
                      If it's too far it'll just kill their interest


                        ^Yes you are right. Knowledge is indeed power. And imo that fits nicely into the term skill, as hero knowledge, mechanical, ability to see the game at a more macro level and decisions making. All these little things add up to determine a win/loss of a game. I certainly though, wouldn't go as far as to call it abuse. It comes with effort at improving your own game.


                          yeah 2k is the same as 4k and the same as 6k and all of those are better than 8k


                            Another benao comment unsolid 5/7


                              If I recall the labels are from valve directly and they are based on distribution and not arbitrary. At least I think that is the case. Hence if I'm right, it means you should take your arbitrary labeling and stick it up your ass. Meaning the labels will move automatically if skill distribution actually moves. But it doesn't because despite the tails getting larger, most of the population has not moved.

                              Otherwise I agree to make VHS and hs more exclusive.


                                @tenroo this is a pratice/ joke acc I still play on, or when I want to play with friends.
                                My 2nd acc with 400 games is 4.1k, don't jump to conclusions shitter


                                  @NegativitySpreader link the account you c#nt, if it's a joke account to play with "friends" then how come you only played party (and that was a 2 man party mind you) twice in the last fucking 100 games. lol, also even if you were 4.1k after 2.5k matches it's still nothing to be proud of. Also even a mid 3k would have a better winrate in 2.5k bracket