General Discussion

General Discussion3mbps at dota 2

3mbps at dota 2 in General Discussion
N o

    guys what should be my ping at 3 mbps subscription at dota 2 w/ 1 person connected to wifi and she's just reading online & scrolling it stable? And is there anyone here at 3mbps with a consistent ping of 70-85ms? Anything i need to change/add at dota 2 settings? Need help badly

    one syllable anglo-saxon

      i have a 8mbps(i think) connection shared between 3 ppl, all play online games and watch videos videos, often at the same time, as long as some1 isnt torrenting some shit there are no bottleneck problems for anyone

      u should be fine

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      N o

        what would be my ping in that case

        one syllable anglo-saxon

          how do i know
          depends on ur location and the server
          my ping from belgorod to lux is ~60-70 most of the time

          N o

            Im a Sea Server player(Ph) and u see this is my speed test and my ping is spiking from 85-150 it is not consistent. the reason im asking u to guess my ping is to get information about the ms that i should get when playing. I was kinda expecting it to be at 79-89 ms.

            Dire Wolf

              bandwidth doesn't affect ping that much. Physical distance to your isp is mostly what affects ping, or bad network gating, but there's not much you can do about it since it's all outside your residence. As long as you have a good modem and router there's not much you can do.


                Fibre doesn't affect other ones on conection, if you dont have a fibre conection than even 1 another user can make you latency shit also packet lost even 1% is bad


                  Ping is mostly affected by distance and you could have a good amount of people connected if they aren't putting heavy pressure on your internet connection ex: torrenting and live streaming

                  N o

                    will it make a difference if i set bandwidth? can it make a little improvement?