General Discussion

General DiscussionEstablishing Connection

Establishing Connection in General Discussion

    Guys i have this ^ retarded error in my games. I got 5-6 times 1 day ban now. I have other accounts to play and when i try to join a game i dont get this error that much. Wtf wrong with it? I have decent net i guess and i tried everything but i got another 1day ban right now.

    FPS/PING 100-120 / 50-60
    LOSS/KBPS 0 / 50-80

    Sometimes in game when i get lag this loss goes up to 8-10 and KBPS 80-200. But this is kinda rare and havent effected my games really. Just a tiny moment lik 0.5 sec.

    I had 45 mins left and decided to play a warm-up game in another acc. I find game. I accept it and i connected. After finish game i switch this acc and i got this retarded error and now i have 1day ban. WTFFF????? Pls help ty.

    Тази тема била редактирана

      some of my friends has this error when they ply eu west server and they only went to eu eset server u should try other servers too.


        ty mate i'll try that tomorrow.