General Discussion

General DiscussionFast Boots of Trevel

Fast Boots of Trevel in General Discussion

    Hi, DB community.

    I sometimes see 7k players buying BoT in first 15-20 mins.
    What is the reasons for rushing BoT that fast?

    I mean they buy it almost on every hero.

    Is it a need to grade MS against some heroes?
    Or is it good agaainst a push strategy?
    Is it depends on ur team's ability to split?

    doc joferlyn simp

      dunno what you are saying havent seen that trend unless the player is playing skywrath/batrider/tinker/ember

      can you share a few videos?

      mr. rabbit

        u buy bot if u want to tp


          there are a lot of heros who benefit from being able to tp onto any creep wave on the map at any moment.

          Also tp boots is good on storm if you try to farm cause you can move around and get more runes to fill bottle way more while farming.

          tp boots is killer on TA, the ability to win a fight then immediately tp and eat a tower or two , or 1 shot two creep waves and tp to the opposite lane and 1 shot 2 more creep waves.

          doc joferlyn simp

            thats just how mid1 and forev likes to play i guess


              Yeah for sure that's their style, but u should be sure that u wont be pushed if u buy travels.


                Im sure that in those puck game they go for it just for the farming boost for fast lvl 25


                  And for axe , its just the ability to be anywhere on the map


                    I kept seeing retards who buy brown boots into 3 big items and they still buy 10 tps for the whole game xd


                      its common on heros that buy arcane boots first and then disassemble them for bloodstone or aether lens for example...


                        I still finish treads after BS on storm somehow
                        Thought "maybe its too late to get treads" before but I didnt bother to rethink my build because I dont play mid that much