General Discussion

General DiscussionI need advices..

I need advices.. in General Discussion

    From the last year my mmr trench has been 4.2 - 4.5 .. I don't think this bracket is hard, even lanning stage it feels easy. I think my problem is my decision making during mid game / late game. I need some advice from some experienced players that used to climb accounts to 5k I would like to really climb because I think it's time to get 5k at least considering that I played this game since 2013/2014.
    I don't play too much just 3 games a day anyways.


      Im not 5k (yet :p) but we did have a discussion that was really informative i believe in last page "a bit about analysing..."

      doc joferlyn simp

        you know where you suck at. what you suck at cant be achieved by brainless lobbying for last hits or something, what you need is a certain way of thinking. things like this can be acquired through a lot of time dedicated learning and conditioning yourself to think that way. observe some high MMR player and see how he moves and decides during mid/late game

        cookie knows more so ill let him explain it

        doc joferlyn simp

          or alternatively, what koala bro said

          linked it for reference:

          Този коментар е бил редактиран

            As i said a lot is explained in that topic take a look. Also just wanna point out watching replay and just thinking about every minute of your game and thinking what u couldve done instead that couldve changed the result is a practice that increases ur decision making

            1-IceTea 🌟

              I am probably 3.5K last year April.
              Have you try to meditate and at the end of it pray for world (or your country) peace,and ask for the opportunity to let you help other?

              I do it and ez rises mmr.
              After awhile I stop doing it and stuck at 4.6K.

              Recently do it again and grind 300mmr+ in 10days.

              No kappa

              1-IceTea 🌟

                Btw I didn't watch any replay or analysis anything for quite sometime


                  Rofl ricetea best tea


                    If i say this i might sound retarded and weird but psychologically praying for others does effect ur own life's results

                    doc joferlyn simp

                      i pray that koala bro can successfully ignore the withering calls of gaming and muster enough mental fortitude to start studying xd


                        Holy shit man i gotta study integrals rn and it's the start of it if i dont understand it i gotta suck my own dick in the whole uni time

                        1-IceTea 🌟

                          I don't only psychology pray for other,I do it.
                          Y'all will be surprised by how kind am I IRL xD

                          doc joferlyn simp

                            how kind cna you be if you triggered dear old lanto :/


                              U'll be surprised in every aspect if u see me irl


                                i climb by dominating games, and writing gg ez after them


                                  thx for send the link of that post, i really like what cookies said in there.


                                    I mostly play suport in rankeds (not this acc) I would like to spam 2 or 3 supports to achieve a better playstyle with them, as cokies said spamming is the best way to getting better.