General Discussion

General DiscussionIs 4k horrible ? ( why i think so)

Is 4k horrible ? ( why i think so) in General Discussion

    Sure, Insta pick Voker and PA are common in 4k heroes to insta-pick lose lanes, but that's pretty much all you're good at all game. Not to mention how it's very hard to get actual kills with your 4k trash TOXIC DHIARREA SUPORT who shit on u for minor mistake while he dont know to deward camp for pulling.
    Sure, Def Blast is pretty good against enemy righy clickers, but Voker still feels like paper every time an enemy jumps him. Nothing u can do to fight back.
    25 minutes in- enemy carry gets bkb ur toast.
    Hectic teamfight with nothing to Wombo combo - no mana because of your 300 mana Blast trash nuke, ur toast.
    Blast gets disjointed by ONE force staff - ur toast.
    Getting too close to the enemy because otherwise you won't be able to land your piss poor range and animation Ice Wall? Ur toast.
    Maxed Exort in the early game because it's your best skill? Too bad you now have one less skill to use for the remaining 30 minutes of the game.
    But Midas gets you a shitton of experience! ... To do, what? Get Agh Refresher Octa and miss all combo and lose game and blame team ur in 4k ? Yeah right.


      It's the mindset of 4ks that ruin their game. Every person in 4k believes they should be 5k, only those who actually put time into learning the game get out of 4k, others rage.
      On my 2nd acc I had 3 games in a row people give up 10 minutes in if their lane gets ganked.
      Also 4k sups think they need items over wards, sentries, smoked and dust.