General Discussion

General DiscussionIs Invoker Horrible? (Why I think so)

Is Invoker Horrible? (Why I think so) in General Discussion
doc joferlyn simp

    Sure, Quas, Wex, and Exort are good skills to insta-win lanes, but that's pretty much all you're good at all game. Not to mention how it's very hard to get actual kills with your skillset.

    Sure, Ghost Walk is pretty good against enemy casters, but Invoker still feels like paper every time an enemy jumps him. Nothing u can do to fight back.

    25 minutes in- enemy carries/cores gets bkb/pipe/linkens ur toast.

    Hectic teamfight with nothing to sunstrike - no dmg because of your single-target oriented T trash nuke, ur toast.

    EMP gets dodged by ONE force staff - ur toast.

    Getting too close to the enemy because otherwise you won't be able to land your piss poor Ice Wall and Meatball spells? Ur toast.

    Maxed invoke in the early game because it's your best skill? Too bad you now have one less skill to use for the remaining 30 minutes of the game.

    But Wex get you a shitton of move speed! ... To do, what? Get travels maelstrom and hit people with level 10, 15 talents? Yeah right.


      wtf is wrong with you

      Player 404335202

        Being good at invo means u land ur skills with such efficiency that enemy cant dodge or are less likely to dodge them ! He is not only spell hero ..u can surely use 1 slot for mkb or daedalus so u are not useless in ALL bkb battle .. And w8 .. Dont be too much serious about a video game


          Is this trend unfunny and crap? (WHY I THINK SO)

          doc joferlyn simp

            Does an opinion coming from a guy who quit the game out of being unable to cope with the game not worth a shit? (WHY I THINK SO)

            Този коментар е бил редактиран

              I can clearly tell you do not have much experience with invoker. Hes actually pretty balanced atm, sure. But if you force enemy carry to have bkb 25 min in, its pretty much insta win tbh. Your carry will shred them into pieces if they don't have other items then bkb + something small. And a good invoker can play vs bkbs and pipe. When they pop bkb, you back just to reinitiate when their bkbs are down. Ez fight!
              And if you're playing vs a good invoker they should have pretty good farm at 25 min, like midas, aghs, boots of travels, other item (depends on enemy team) So he could just fight ez

              (Edit) - Fixed so it says bkb instead of bob
              If this is a joke thread about the other shit. Im done :/

              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                doc joferlyn simp

                  @[MNI]aerugH just shitposting man, thanks for the heads up tho. the points you raised are definitely helpful


                    Well, glad to help, just came here and saw all the other threads so I gut a bit suspicious (is that how its spelled?)
                    Nice one at least! <3

                    one syllable anglo-saxon



                        its kind of amazing how many people did not see the other two threads with the exact same format. And then after reading didn't realize it was a shit post


                          Umm... I just came here and clicked on the first shit I saw, and the part where the shit post part is I've read some other threads here and on steam discussions earlier that have proven that people are actually like this. They first get stomped by something, go to a discussion forum. Then they cry about the hero. After that they try it out, see that they don't know how the hero works and says it's garbage.
                          Soo.. Not so amazing after all I guess :P


                            Let the dank fill you from the inside


                              That winrate tho kreygasm

                              doc joferlyn simp

                                @[MNI]aerugH people here are like that except they cry about their hidden bracket placements


                                  We chill wE the chill bois