General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you overcome the dunning kruger effect in dota 2 mmr?

How do you overcome the dunning kruger effect in dota 2 mmr? in General Discussion
Goblin slayer

    ^please. i want to get better


      use your brain overcome stupidity




          Learn to criticise yourself, or at least be able to pin point things you don't do very well.

          Dunning kruger players tend not to believe that they need improving, so by making this tread you've proved you don't have it.

          Този коментар е бил редактиран
          Giff me Wingman

            I mean, the moment you understand that u're dogshit, is the moment you don't have dunning kruger anymore.

            Pale Mannie

              me dogshit


                Admit yourself that you are noob even tho you are not.

                1-IceTea 🌟

                  Anyone that think he is great player while having lower mmr then meme star player that never play lane is under Dunning Kruger effect xD

                  No offence,you can be much better when you are humble to learn and not on full cup EGO.
                  I believe in you

                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                    @ 1-IceTea,
                    during the time you were calibrating mmr, how much did you calibrate with your jungle lycan strat?

                    1-IceTea 🌟

                      ^0 or 1?
                      I am on Ursa jungle and haven't learn proper WK jungle that time.
                      Mostly is 10/10 Ursa jungle xD


                        Humans have a natural tendency to avoid blaming themselves. Critical and accurate self evaluation is essential to prevent your mind from subconsciously protecting itself.

                        doc joferlyn simp


                          Ryan Gosling Fan

                            I dont know about dunning kruger, but anyways i deserve 8k.


                              @ 1 icetea

                              what i meant was at how much mmr did you calibrate with your jungle playstyle?

                              1-IceTea 🌟

                                ^3.7K as I am true 3.7K player 8 months ago