General Discussion

General DiscussionI FINALLY HIT 3K MMR!!!

I FINALLY HIT 3K MMR!!! in General Discussion

    Okay, so it's been a tough ride getting here, especially with everything else going on in my life but I'm glad I finally got here.

    I know this isn't the "3k" yet since I just got here and I need to be able to get to around 3.1k to be safe "3k."

    With that, I got a lot of help from you Dotabuff people and I'm wondering if you could give more advice for me? For those in the 2k bracket, you can ask me for some tips too. :)

    doc joferlyn simp

      how to climb with negative win rate pls tell me mastah


        check last threads a lot of informative threads are still not too far from first page find em


          @ayy bb wan sum fuk Well that's just because when I play with my friends, I don't play seriously. Also, they're mostly in 1.5k-2k so I have some trouble carrying sometimes - that's also where I practice new heroes or practice other roles as I am usually a safelaner or midlaner. In solo queue though, I have 52% winrate. :)

          Този коментар е бил редактиран

            Watching player perspective of people 6k+ in dota client on heroes that you like to play would be my suggestion.


              @Sia will do!


                @Hazard - thanks for this. I usually go on YouTube to watch pros but I guess I could do what you're saying too. :)


                  good job


                    Is it still cancerous as 2k?


                      the cancer never stops, games just get harder


                        I'm still a 2k retard stacking 5 LPs due to irl responsibilities

                        R A B B I T !

                          Congrats broh. Now #RoadTo4k

                          @Abso: Games have gotten a lot better overal (Came from 2775 mmr to 5131 (atm 4.9k though)), but you still get ruiners and cancer.

                          Giff me Wingman

                            I would argue the amount of ruiners in 5-7k are higher than other ranges.

                            Dead Game, Don't Care

                              Well, it does make sense since 5-7k mmr are somewhat highly competitive. You couple that with their high ego and you get to see people who whine everyday on their team because they think they are the only one who can win them the game. Just mess with their head and they will start tilting.

                              Optimus Drip

                                Good job, congrats.


                                  when i hit 3k i thought i reached dreamland... but hell no there are sooooo much noobs and best thing is they think they are really good cuz they are "3k"!

                                  Gabba Gabba Games TTV


                                    Feelin' (Mighty Real)

                                      Just spam Abaddon all day and you'll get to 3k in a week


                                        @Everyone - thanks for the kind words!

                                        @Absolution - it is, sometimes. But I guess what I did was work around it. What I would do is if I had a prick on mt team, I would just mute them and still do my best. Also, I try and motivate my team at the beginning of the match. I learned that not flaming your team and really focusing (not doing anything else while playing) are really the keys to winning. :)

                                        P.S. though I'm spamming cores (AM, Troll, and Weaver), I still adjust sometimes if there is a role that we really lack - especially if I know that I can play the hero well.

                                        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                          Congrats, man! Though let's celebrate when you are at least 3.1k so it's a safe zone. lol

                                          Took me 15 months to get out of 2k so I know the struggle, plus in 2k you do learn much since people are pretty crap. But honestly 3.2 players are still kind of 2k.

                                          Just get 3 - 4 stun heroes and you will win. Especially in 2k, people do not like to buy bkb for whatever reason, so 4 or 5 stunners is almost an auto-win lol

                                          gl on the grind! :highfive:


                                            Thanks bro! Yup, I'm really hoping this continues and that I don't drop to 2k once again! Also, I actually just won my first post-3k game! 3026 now, LOL!


                                              gl next ;)


                                                You climbed that much.
                                                Make a new account, and recalibrate. You'll be >3.5k for sure.


                                                  Hahahah recalibrating to get higher mmr in 2017


                                                    is this some new trend? "haha recalibrating in 2017"?
                                                    It's simple. New account. -> compendium. Do quests, achievements etc. play 80 matches, and you're good to go for ranked.
                                                    There are people stuck in 2k for obvious reasons.


                                                      @Taff - this is actually already my 2nd account. My first account calibrated at 2800 and this one at 2995. I gave up on the first one because I was cocky and thought that "I don't deserve this MMR." Then I got calibrated to a close range so I decided that I should just climb. From 2995, I dropped to 2.6k, then I grinded to get to 3k. :)

                                                      Mr. Jin

                                                        Congrats bro. I've been there too. All the best for future. Never give up, never say die! U right focusing on game is important. The time spent on typing can reap u another 100gpm or even time to place a ward or buy space.

                                                        Btw max calibration is 3.5k whether u got compendium or not.

                                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                          Thanks bro! Yup, I'm really hoping this continues and that I don't drop to 2k once again! Also, I actually just won my first post-3k game! 3026 now, LOL!

                                                          Still not safe enough.
                                                          .9k - .175 can be cancer. People got nuts in that range.
                                                          When I hit 4046mmr (3996 + 50) I still will not feel safe xD

                                                          gl, dude. It will take time, just don't give up, and do your best not to be toxic. Everone can be toxic here and there and tilt, it happens, but try not to have that happen too hard


                                                            There are people stuck in 2k for obvious reasons

                                                            You do know 80 matches can translate into 2000 mmr points right


                                                              Why bother making a new account, calibrate higher than you deserve, and drop back to your original mmr while ruining people's game, while if you can just grind your ass up, after all it's more time efficient :thinking:


                                                                I think that motivating your teammates can really help. Just finished another win, and I usually start my games with a long message of encouragement. Sometimes they make fun of me, but I guess sometimes it works. Also, I tell them to don't get tilted - instead, tilt the enemy. :)


                                                                  and here i am stuck in this hellhole of 1k


                                                                    I don't need to tilt the enemy
                                                                    I make them tilt each other


                                                                      GRATS ^^

                                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                                        how to get from 2.2k to 3k in one action :thinking:

                                                                        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                                          Yup. Motivate your team, make them chill by sharing memes, and make the other team tilt. You are guaranteed to win.


                                                                            Update: Currently at 3.2k! :)

                                                                            General Asim Muneer

                                                                              What server do you play though? I am also at same mmr doing same thing, spamming cores...i am stuck here for months now..was 3.6k , then fell to 2.9 and now 3.2...enroute to 4k .. 1 thing i have noticed is if u just keep pma and get right gpm on carries by swapping lanes if necessary and spamming tp to farm lane, u will win the game bcZ people give up too easily


                                                                                I play on SEA bro. Yeah, studying farming patterns has really helped me a lot, especially when I choose position 1 carries as it helps me get ahead of others. Also, I capitalize on misplays of opponents.

                                                                                Use chatwhell=mute

                                                                                  Congratz. But noone congrated me so hard when i hit 3k from 1.7k :/. I hit 4.1 but dropped to 3.6 but reclimbing again soon.

                                                                                  Use chatwhell=mute

                                                                                    But trustme playing soloQ will be stressful. From my own perspective 3ks seems like dogshit for me. Play with higher mmr friends m8 help u and enjoy the game.