General Discussion

General Discussionwhat if corrosive haze worked on buildings ??

what if corrosive haze worked on buildings ?? in General Discussion

    what if slardar had aghs that would allow him to use corrosive haze on buildings and would reduce armor by 5 / 6 / 7. cd when used on buildings would be 40 and duration of reduction when used on buildings be 10 seconds?

    1-IceTea 🌟

      Insignificant Sladar wouldn't want to get it early as he want blink,and neither late as he want tank item.

      If he need -Armor on building AC do much better as it's AOE and help so much with team fight and his survivability

      Този коментар е бил редактиран

        what if it didn't

        also jdf8

          what if chen level 25 let him use holy persuasion on towers?????



            Use chatwhell=mute

              What if there is a holy persuasion irl. Convent girls lmao

              Use chatwhell=mute

                Choose one spell from dota.
                Holy persuasion. Use on girls lmao

                Use chatwhell=mute

                  Why do fucking icefrog always hear idiots on reddit?


                    Thats just stupid ass idea

                    Dire Wolf

                      Any part of slardar's ult on buildings would probably be op or not good enough to warrant. Maybe a level 25 talent that had half value vs buildings.


                        corrisive haze work on buildings ( if thats dks ulti)


                          What if enigma lvl 25 let him use blackhole on buildings

                          doc joferlyn simp

                            What if Magnus can give splash damage to Towers? :thinking:

                            Ghastly Wail

                              What if Io could relocate Towers? (lvl 10 Talent)

                              What if Broodmother could casts her Webs on Towers so they gain perma invicibility? (lvl 15 Talent)

                              What if Lich could cast his Ice Armor on Towers? ... Oh wait ...

                              But what if Ogre Magi could cast ... wait ... damn ...


                                what if meepo aghs buffed and now gives him 2x stats gain with 40 agi ,40 str and 40 int passively from the aghs it self xD


                                  what if monkey king could become a tower?


                                    What if AM is actually a good hero


                                      What if Earthshaker could break the map in half, stopping the war entirely?


                                        "WHAT IF"

                                        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                          What if gyro aghs started ww3?


                                            im more concerned about what if presence of the dark lord affected buildings.


                                              Why is amplify damage is called corrisive haze?


                                                Why is backtrack called time dilation? Why is timewalk so short? Why is nobody buying battle fury on void?

                                                Potato Marshal

                                                  What if towers only had 100% magic resistance and weren't magic immune?


                                                    You want antimage picked every game?

                                                    -DI- TheDrengr

                                                      what if morph could replicate towers


                                                        What if favor and fury swipe irl. Hit harder and stronger

                                                        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                          What if tb could swap health with towers?

                                                          Player 345068850

                                                            What if lina could ult towers?

                                                            Potato Marshal

                                                              What if all creeps were replaced with mega creeps?


                                                                What is towers could haunt and haunt went to all creeps as well?
                                                                What is towers were affected by trolls ult?
                                                                WHAT IF?


                                                                  I had good laugh guys. Thanks xD


                                                                    holy persuasion then its not holy anymore if its used on girls to be slaves.


                                                                      what if vengful spirit swaps towers

                                                                      what if riki can backstab towers

                                                                      what if clinkz can eat towers

                                                                      what if doom can eat towers

                                                                      what if oracle can heal towers

                                                                      what if omknight can heal towers

                                                                      what if there's no ancient?


                                                                        What if rubick could hold 2 spells at lvl 20


                                                                          What if lycan summons towers instead of wolves :thinking:
                                                                          What if corrosive haze summons a tower :thinking:


                                                                            what if dota had no towers ?


                                                                              What if the ancient attacked?
                                                                              What if fountain was killable like in dotka 1.
                                                                              What if poof could tp towers to meepo?

                                                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                What if Dota was played in a first-person perspective?

                                                                                mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                                                  if a picture paints a thousand words then why can't I paint you? 💔

                                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                    Maybe that's because I'm not a thousand words?