General Discussion

General DiscussionSome questions for high mmr tinker players

Some questions for high mmr tinker players in General Discussion

    How does your farm pattern change after the laning phase?
    When do you have to greedily push all the lanes and when do you have to leave your lane to give some farm to your supports and grab jungle?
    Isn't it more effective to build aghanim's before aether? It gives so much more damage
    In what games I should skip aghs/aether and go dagon/ethereal?


      Without aether you cant use laser from a safe position tho
      Aghs/lens is better in almost all games i think

      mom said it's my turn to ...

        Is it just me or is there any way to clear ancients stack decently this patch?


          trash tinkers still cast laser on 200 range and dive

          go blink bloodstone soul ring dagon its much better its very good suport burst combo in 1 second

          the whole point of tinker is not build
          but positioning

          13 y.o (ghoul) (dead inside)

            I only try to push one lane (mostly offlane) so the enemy always have to come back and defend it, and give the other cores the 2 lanes. I rarely farm our jungles as our carry needs it. I only try to farm it when its respawn time and no one still got it. I try to get the enemy's jungle as much as possible to starve them on neutrals.

            Aether is very very good on tinker, Aether gives you early mana, amp for his spells, and makes you a long range nuker and best of all. it maximizes the dagger range.
            you should skip aghs only and go dagon if you dont have a strong right click carry on your team or if you need to burst someone down quickly, aether is always a must imo


              ^ your comments are appreciated
              any blue stars pls T_T

              also jdf8

                my farming is based mostly on who is visible and where they are

                the behavior of my teammates (aggressive, passive ricing, getting fucked) also influences me a bit. if my team is playing aggro i can wipe my jungle because it doesnt starve them.

                usually i stick to pushing top/bot from trees. 2 tips:

                1: dont tp when the creeps are clashing. tp when the enemy doesnt have vision of ur creeps

                2: LEARN where the creeps will be without vision. i can literally have a black map and cut a ton of common creep locations because i have them memorized. marching when creeps are running down a lane is 99999x better than when they are fighting other creeps for a ton of reasons

                I go dagon after aether if im super ahead and can get a ton of value out of it because of low hp pools. i usually follow it up with fast sheep to counter bkb

                Aether before aghs is safer but lower damage potential. In a passive game it might be better. I find the cast rangr increase significant on march when farming

                casual gamer

                  this is me in case theres any doubt

                  not arin

                    i suppose you dont upgrade dagon before getting hex?

                    casual gamer

                      the games where i buy dagon are complete stomps and i max dagon

                      level 1 dagon even with aether has super mediocre range, the biggest advantage of dagon is how dumb the range is and how instant the damage is

                      i just get fast lvl 3 rearm so i can double laser dagon someone and then go back for mana in 1 second. the trick is coming from a weird angle and instantly blinking back (around enemy team, usually u need to be behind them so u can walk up for the second dagon then blink tp out).

                      ur spam with this build is completely awful because 1 no aghs and 2 lvl 3 rearm early butu have insane burst potential. usually i do this when i m just farming kills because im by far the best player in the game and its obvious


                      in general i think the dagon build is fun but kinda crap in most games. i akmost never go it in high mmr ranked games


                        ^ THX that was gold


                          Dagon with aether lens is underrated for tinker. The amount of burst damage you can deal is A LOT in a split second at an extremely far range. Furthermore, most heroes' hp pools are much smaller now after the removal of the attribute bonus, making it much easier to burst heroes down. Most ppl underestimate the amount of damage tinker can do with max dagon. In teamfights, always stay at the back and never blink forward unless it is extremely safe to do so. The cast range you have with aether lens and your talent allows you to attack at safe distances.

                          Go Agha only if there are lots of illusions and if they tend to stick a lot. I would not advise ethereal blade because the projectile travels too slowly.

                          If you see teammates farming lanes, tp to shrines and farm NC. If teammates are farming jungle, you push the lanes to create space for them. Tinker is extremely versatile in this area, so you won't steal their farm.


                            if the enemy has teamfighting power you go aghs then.after using aghs i never used dagon anymore tho so idk when to get it now


                              I'm the worst tinker 2k17


                                i will probably write sth tomorrow since im soo tired