General Discussion

General DiscussionBalance heroes that needs to be buffed/rework and nerf? to join the u...

Balance heroes that needs to be buffed/rework and nerf? to join the unbalanced meta in General Discussion

    Brewmaster - Ultimate Duration is too short (imo) probably needs armor cos he'll die when enemy got mkb
    Crystal Maiden - Instead of +250 hp on lvl 15 talent tree why not +all stats? 8 or 10 since she lacks armor and mana to do shit against op heroes
    DP - low hp and armor at lvl 25 maybe change -1.5 sec crypt swarm into some stats since we already have 10% cd reduc at lvl 20
    Doom - shit armor with shit agi gain tho having a great str and str gain this can't ensure you to live enough against right clicking heroes
    Enchantress - poor str and agi would probably die with laguna in 1 hit lvl 20 15% magic resist won't help if the game ends around 25 minutes
    Gyrocopter - please tell us if this is right click hero or nuker? it sucks at both
    IO - up base damage too shit to trade hits if you're babysitting and 1.9 str gain? what is dis hero a creep? while we're at it put armor at lvl 1
    Juggernaut - Overpowered talent tree should I repeat it? overpowered you don't even need to think about what talent tree to get next
    Leshrac - Probably need + armor at lvl 10 talent tree instead of 125 hp since he already got +15 str on lvl 20
    Natures Prophet - Sprout pretty much useless against bfury and hpike users or heroes with escapes which is probably everyone except for poor supports
    Night Stalker - you don't want to play against this if you're the support
    Oracle - rework aghs pls who needs 1 sec cd on purifying flames? why not aghs for ultimate when used it only delays death I mean damage but you'd probably die instantly after the effect
    Pugna - Just git gud if not avoid this hero
    QoP - ??? maybe bring back the bm meta?
    Razor - A complete rework on abilities
    Slark - Please give us the stolen stats when we kill this bitch

    This is base on my games and experience in dota and my opinion so no hate

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      over half of these heroes arent bad


        QoP - ??? maybe bring back the bm meta?

        bm is cheap and overpowered item. no if yes make blademail expensive.


          Most of the points you raise aren't actually bad esp CM. Minus slark, F that hero.


            pugna and razor i guess


              @Y- yup ain't bad but too balanced to join the meta


                BM is only op with axe and lc everything else is pretty much avoidable


                  razor and brood need a complete rework


                    please tell me why is razor bad?


                      its some retarded 2k reddit circlejerk


                        razor's ultimate has lower range than his attack so it's pretty much not good and low farm potential


                          really doesnt matter, and the only reason u pick razor is to dominate your 1v1 lane. If u want farm potential anyway u can buy midas on any hero and its solved


                            "Lina has longer attack ranged than light strike array buff valve pleease ))"


                              - reddit


                                Lina at least have a stun so problem solve and razor got good ms so it's kinda okay he's probably good with someone who has a stun or slows that's why I said balance with good line up you'd probably excel razor as a core unlike most cores now who can manage to farm and fit in, in any line up

                                Vem Comigo

                                  all these shit heroes , Bloodseeker, Bounty, Brew, Bristle, chen, Death Prophget, doom, earthshaker, huskar, lesh, lion, phantom lancer, pugna, razor, skywrath, spirit breaker, tiny, undying, viper, zeus.


                                    if ur not atleast 5k u have no idea what heroes are good or bad and why for sure


                                      bloodseeker shit XD


                                        wtf man more than 50% of those heroes arent shit


                                          i didnt say they suck or dogshit, i think i did not


                                            they dont need a rework or buff, its the heroes that can be picked in every/almost every situation that needs nerfs


                                              at least change slark's dark pact dispell type now we can say they nerf him i'm not stepping back on gaining back the stolen stats when slark dies


                                                dota is a game of counterpicking and strategizing, every hero/lineup needs strengths and weaknesses in order to maintain balance

                                                зачем я начал поиск

                                                  On my other acc I have tons of Ench games in 4k or so with 5+ avg KDA and a good winrate.

                                                  The hero isn't bad at all.
                                                  Supreme rightclicker, one of the best offlane rightclickers, actually.

                                                  Doesn't need changes.


                                                    most of the things you point out as problems are what keep these heroes from being overpowered. Like the whole reason ench has no str gain is because she is so hard to kill through rightclicks and so she has low hp so nukes can deal with her.


                                                      AM LUL


                                                        the heroes were like this from 2002 dota

                                                        its not the point to buff doom armor +10 he has alot hp and 2nd it would be unbalanced

                                                        Vem Comigo

                                                          they need to be fun to play they are all shit, death prophet is the most boring hero. Blood is gud but he needs more memes, he was good when he was cancer

                                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                            Personally, I have always enjoyed doom. i don't think anyone has evaluated him as a carry in several patches but he has the toolkit now to do it - but you have to view him as a real hybrid caster/right click hero.

                                                            ILC - Lethal Ninja

                                                              the only thing that need change is to give me back the diffusal blade that can cast on own team and own self.


                                                                I personally don't have a problem playing them they're actually good CM is low on mana pool so 1 ultimate it's like half of it taken doom his core item's and mid game items are focus on mobility and armor that syncs with his abilities


                                                                  The only OP in here is Slark & Night Stalker ultimate makes wards completely useless then ended up being blamed by team why's there no wards lel