General Discussion

General DiscussionSome question about OFFLANE

Some question about OFFLANE in General Discussion

    What are the best heroes according to the meta?
    Best choices against agressive trilanes (heroes to pick, what to do)
    How to be agressive against Duals .
    At what point you have to rotate or leave the lane to help your team or in which situations?



      mr. rabbit

        centaur's rly good


          abbadon radiance is the meta

          mr. rabbit

            Best choices against agressive trilanes (heroes to pick, what to do)

            matchup dependent as to what heroes to pick but as for what to generally do, aside from stuff like getting xp by all means possible (min 0 block, creep aggro, jungling with iron talon) u should also try to mess up with their equilibrium as much as possible

            there are cases where its ok to die in the offlane if youre going to tp back into like, 6 melee creeps and 2-3 ranged creeps that ur opponent cant deny

            usually when ppl in low mmr pubs r running aggro tri's their sole purpose is to grab a kill in their lane. they really fucking suck at controlling the lane equilibrium so even if u give them a kill it's balanced by the fact that the wave is pushing towards you


              Thx, Anyone else (?)

              ILC - Lethal Ninja

                riki is you ask me but i know a lot of people will start crying foul and esp my teammates at 4k will curse and swear at me


                  timbersaw if you're good

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                        Solo laners.


                          ^No fucking shit Diox

                          Cheap Laugh Guy

                            Why isn't Tide off seen much anymore? People don't even mention him.

                            And is Sven offlane good?


                              ravage cd is too long
                              but that sven offlane idea, if you think about it, it might be good


                                ^the only people who run sven as anything but a carry are the SA teams so that alone tells u how good it is. Sven is slow and has no way to prevent getting zoned by almost any support.

                                The meta is abaddon, lc, and magnus like kr said, but since u asked abt being aggressive against a dual lane, axe can work very aggressively to pressure a melee carry, and i think u can make centaur work.

                                All of those heroes have ways to get past zoning out of lane (return, aphotic shield, moment of courage, shockwave, counter helix), and can jungle.

                                Also quick question, for offlane starting items, on heroes like centaur, abaddon, lc, i usually start with tango salve stout mango, but is there another alternative, situational starting items? Shud i start with pms or maybe use the courier to bring it in after a couple min?


                                  sven offlane doesnt seem that good to me. If u get cleave it will push lane and make u vulnerable and if u dont get it youll farm slower. Maybe if someone tries we can find out


                                    get cleave push lane then farm neuts
                                    3rd skill for escape or to help survive if they tower dive him
                                    and has a stun


                                      ^If you put it like that Sven Roaming sounds much better than offlane Sven


                                        What about SK


                                          What about SK


                                            for that you need 3 lvl in sven. thats 3-4min if supp arent pulling much.
                                            plus youllneed lot of regen. youll get easily harashed. he has mana issue so ucant use these spells continuously. therefore your overall effectiveness isnt that good compared to axe, magnus, abba lc etc. farming neutral isnt that effective as youll clear one med camp (on your offlane side) after 3rd lvl if u try to take the large camp on enemies safe lane when lanes ae pushed supp will kill you easily with oov/stuns. theres huge chance by the time you are lvl 3-4 they have stacked that camp and all they need is one stun. not to forget sven gets kited easily if u try to manfight them.


                                              Offlane CK


                                                Undying is a hero that can face trilanes pretty well too, since the more heroes he's up against the more decays he's likely to stack. Even tho tombo isn't as strong as it used to be I think his other spells are still valuable. Not to mention that people usually don't even care about how much strenght they lost and about the fact that they're paper-made, as long as their health bar looks almost full lol. Bristleback is a good hero as well, especially after the buff, and so are Axe and LC. It depends on what team composition the enemies have, if they're melee or ranged, if they rely on magical or physical damage.
                                                There's no point in initiating fights if you haven't farmed your early core items yet, like a blink on Axe or a vanguard, hood of defiance or blademail or whatever the fuck you want on Bristleback and Undying for example, 'cause you simply won't be able to do your job as a tank/initiator. However there are cases in which you can leave your lane and gank somewhere even without a core item, by exploiting your lvl advantage after you hit your 6. Think about heroes like Batrider or Timbersaw, with their ulties it becomes much easier to secure a kill, especially if your safelane has done a good job zoning out their solo offlaner. Then you can transition to jungle if you still don't have your item or go back to your lane, it really depends on the situation.


                                                  PLS stop discussing about playing farm dependent carries solo offlane.

                                                  Only thing you get out of it is a second carry that is 10 minutes behind on farm and a lost game.

                                                  Pos 3 needs MOBILITY.
                                                  the ability to threaten enemies in their jungle with a blink initiation.

                                                  a sven needs stats first before he gets his utility items

                                                  mr. rabbit


                                                    just because a hero is tanky means he can solo offlane lul

                                                    thats why u dont see undying solo off anymore, and thats why heroes like dk or some shit never gets to be in that role


                                                      What if void goes offlane and buy utility/dps items like vlad dagger aghanim pipe etc, paired up with high uptime dps items like diffusal manta etc instead of battle fury MoM? :thinking:
                                                      Sorry normal skill thoughts pls dont ban me for theorycraft


                                                        Pos 3 needs MOBILITY.

                                                        Not exactly
                                                        They need xp and abit of farm to get utility items to create space and do stuffs in teamfights asap


                                                          Seeing Magnus everywhere is annoying


                                                            Void pipe GIGALUL

                                                            >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                              Sven is slow

                                                              Sven is my boy. But sadly this meme-player that said this is correct. Sven got me out of 2k over a year ago, and I saw his potential long before he became recongnized. Even now, he is easily one of the strongest heroes ever... HOWEVER... he is so slow, he is just not work picking. He has a free Battlefury and farms slower than Anti-Mage and that is just sad, and I even HATE anti-mage.

                                                              The hero is just too damned slow.


                                                                ez bro. it's WEAVER.

                                                                i got 700 mmr from 3.6 to 4.3 just spam that hero as offlaner.

                                                                the key point is to get as annoying as possible for enemy's carry. it can be disturb that carry farming, or killing the support, or kill the carry, or take enemy bounty rune every 2 minute. but keep in mind while doing all of that you cant die. better just leveling than die.

                                                                in my games, i rarely got pressured even in offlane even when they went trilane.

                                                                believe me, it works

                                                                зачем я начал поиск

                                                                  Fuck meta. Pick whatever floats your boat.

                                                                  Timbersaw was my go-to, but not now. The root change hurts too hard.

                                                                  If I were asked to list strictly strong offlane heroes, I would say: Broodmother, Abaddon, Batrider, Axe, Cent, Weaver, Enchantress, Spirit Breaker.

                                                                  Rest are either too hardly indirectly nerfed or I see them as relatively weak/incapable of carrying games.

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