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General Discussionguess this player's mmr

guess this player's mmr in General Discussion

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      5.2k Lycan spammer?


        Licetea. Hahahaha. Cant get out of low prio because he doesnt know how to play other heroes. Rofl. :laugh:

        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

          Rofl oh I didn't see the Single Draft part :laugh:


            Lul. Oh snap


              Wait. If frank got into lp wouldn't it be the same thing? Since he only knows one hero


                Frank why r u so obsessed with lice tea though.


                  Glass houses I guess

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                    ILC - Lethal Ninja

                      i would keen to see frank in lp and see how he fare in lp.


                        frank would do better than 1- iice tea tho. since he has played alteast few game on other heroes


                          Spammers just find new OP heroes to play when they get nerfed and maintain their mmr. Wonder what Badman's mmr is these days. I saw Frank played bane the other day and won so he's probably a fucking good player regardless of riki.

                          1-IceTea 🌟

                            Still 5.1K since single draft won't effect rank mmr.

                            and btw I am semi-purposely go to LP by feeding cour/trash talk in all to 9 of other player.

                            I've set my goal long ago that I want to cut down my Dota time 90% or more to almost not playing it after I reach 5K by only jungle.

                            But I am still addicted to it,so I go feeding hard on LP.While semi afk tap out to use browser.

                            If didn't count the single Kunkka game,I have stopped for 1 week


                              so is it better to spam a single hero to climb mmr, or to have heroes that you are good at but can manage to play any role in forced situations??

                              1-IceTea 🌟

                                ^^^Shame on you,out of most hero I played Lycan the most.I spam him even when he's most out of meta and have overall 46% winrate,I always have fun time when I can troll/meme other player with incredible movement speed.

                                2K noob shit try to judge me,I play Dota for fun and meme,not like some player that aren't good enough in Dota and still 'dreaming' to be pro by trying hard

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                                  Spamming. But make sure your manners are 150% better than your usual manners or you're going to end up like Icetea.

                                  also jdf8

                                    u spam and have in each role

                                    ex: im tinker

                                    high mmr? tree

                                    other= cm slardar weaver cent ta

                                    Giff me Wingman

                                      welp. I said it on a lot of threads already, icetea is only able to play lycan, rest is garbage, can't even handle low prio topkek.

                                      also jdf8

                                        at least he has an exposed mmr


                                          how people get triggered lol


                                            at least he has an exposed mmr

                                            Oh damn


                                              proud to be low mmr.

                                              1-IceTea 🌟

                                                At least I grind from 3.7K to 5.2K by 7 months.

                                                Not even tryhard like look for tutorial or analysis game ect.

                                                I only jungle and refused to lane even though I know I will have easier life by not jungle 100/100 of my games