General Discussion

General DiscussionSolo MMR Distribution

Solo MMR Distribution in General Discussion

    Interesting data where in it tells that players with 5K+ MMR only holds 2% of the entire dota 2 population.




        this is known


          Okay. I heard it all before but I never believed it, until I saw this data.


            results are biased since like ~80% of players dont show their mmr


              It still holds true. 1.9M players from my data are in the higher 98.36% comparing to your 4M players which are still at 98.36%

              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                Data is not accurate if it is not from valve



                  >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                    Data is not accurate if it is not from valve

                    Valve rigged IO arcana. Why would their data be accurate?

                    Quas wex exort

                      can someone give me 3k trash mmr please?

                      doc joferlyn simp

                        Can we get a mute for this guy? Jesus

                        Story Time

                          too many questions here. Like:
                          - do we consider people who installed dota and played for 3 months to be a valid dota players?
                          - who exposes mmr data from their profile? (i bet those are low tier tryhards)
                          - all the smurf accounts! Do you count them too when saying that you are better than n% of population?
                          - accounts who deflate or inflate mmr on purpose and then stop playing ranked

                          Each and every question basically hinders the analytical interpretations of your data... so good luck masturbating to numbers that mean nothing


                            The spikes at 3,4 and 5k should make you stop and question the quality of the data that makes that graph.