General Discussion

General DiscussionTips on ability draft

Tips on ability draft in General Discussion

    Lost 4 times on ability draft feels bad man

    Forgot How to play

      Git gud




          It's fun even tho having a hero that's shit and enemy got nice hero + nice spells pretty balanced lmao


            draft abilities that work together and fit your playstyle. Don't draft drow aura on a mele hero, don't draft eclipse without lucent beam. One strategy is to draft multiple abilities that have aghanims upgrades.


              I think all random death match is the best. Though I have never tried it. :/
              Never found a match


                People still queue those games? I used to play them a lot before going exclusively 5 man party.


                  Heroes with low intelligence draft passives/aura


                    Play it? Na, don't do it. Just watch funny videos on Youtube that are dated before they made the changes to break it. (IE, removed Meepo, ES + Toggle abilities, etc).

                    Dire Wolf

                      Did they remove orbs? Those were so broken.

                      Really it's not balanced or supposed to be.

                      AT&T Samsung Galaxy

                        P I C K S T U N S


                          there r some instapick abilities like fiery soul with almost any low cd spell, deathpulse, hook.
                          understand ur hero's base strengths, picking something like dragons blood on huskar for example is good cuz huskar has no armor.
                          also understand ur heroes weaknesses, don't pick rearm, call, grave on axe like I did, its retarded cuz u have no mana for it.
                          its actually deceptively educational, it forces u to really analyze what ur hero can do, and what certain abilities can do.
                          stuns win games also.


                            How about thundergod's wrath and rearm on high int hero (invoker,od,etc.)


                              ^ It's Ability Draft, not L.o.D

                              You can't pick 2 ultimates

                              Chao Vritra

                                Ability draft is extremely difficult in my opinion. Unless you are playing purely for fun, you have to really understand dota spells to be good at it. It is not just a matter of picking gud spells, but they all have to work together.

                                That being said, it can be a good learning tool, sometimes you don't realize just how powerful a hero ability is until you are without it or using it on a different hero.


                                  u can easily realize how insane fiery soul is by playing bb with quills, snot, fiery soul, and warpath