General Discussion

General Discussionwhat do you think about people who

what do you think about people who in General Discussion

    buy midas bots every game


      they're probably dumb. Unless they're spamming a hero that buys bots midas everygame


        that they are probably in the 2k afk farming phase


          Really good players, geniuses of Dota 2, needs to be more of them.


            are you the type of person that goes /all GG INVOKER MIDAS NO GANK? and I mean midas is really good in current meta, sometimes too good to pass up if you know that they can't go hg for the next 30 min.


              ^gg u r noob injoker. u r noob cuz u dont gank


                ^Jacked teach me how to invo, I am pretty dogshit with it

                EDIT: Damn I want that 50% winrate. I crave it. Teach me master

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                  u buy midsa, and u gank. u shitstain


                    can you coach me?


                      Lel, Invoker doesn't gank unless he has a guaranteed kill or two (QE). All you have to do is hit good sun strikes early game and you are fine.

                      Also, Invoker is the only hero I know of that you should get Midas + BoT every time. 7-9 minute Midas, and 12-13 minute BoT is good timing (unless you need a Eul's or something even more).


                        idk both core on arc so idk what you bitches are bitching about


                          i thought you buy drum and aghanim, maybe dagger before the travel boots, finishing bots 15-20 min

                          i actually made this joke thread coz some iG player said he buys midas+bots on every hero every gam in pubs to mess with his teammates

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                              @END, you really only need those items for particular things.
                              If you need some more +Armor (and decent stats) for yourself and you are using Forge Spirits, you get a RoA for lane.
                              If your team needs a little more pushing power, and you really need stats, you get a Drums.
                              If you have multiple kills, and have excellent CS (early midas), you can comftorably skip the super early BoT and get a Euls (if you could actually use it - ie, get rid of silences, or find a kill on a bkb/blinkless hero).

                              Other than those scenarios, I tend to just get a Null + Boots (some regen items), then Midas and BoT. Ever since doing that, my winrate has improved with the Joker. You want your Agh's timing to be about 19-23 minutes, so finishing BoT at 20 isn't that good.

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                                Buy a aquila instead of null


                                  @Nylio, I only ever go Aquila against SF mid anymore. Null (+CM regen which I almost always have for some reason), as well as a clarity or two are plenty for the stats you need early (if you have the brain + map awareness to avoid ganks).

                                  Also, what benefit do you have from a RoA? Great stats for cost + Lil' mana regen bonus and bonus armor.
                                  They way I see it, armor isn't much of an issue as an Invoker - seeing as most of the incoming damage from opposing mid heroes will be primarily magic damage. Therefore, I'd save 300 gold (overall) by getting a Raindrop instead (a little more regen than RoA I think, and a little more survivability).

                                  If I were you, I'd spend that extra 500 gold you are putting towards an RoA to an early boots + Raindrop + earlier midas.

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                                    6 months ago
                                    Not Enough Analyzed Data


                                      i thought aghs timing at 14-16 was better

                                      o well im not invoker player i have 0% wr

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                                        @End, its actually more of opinion. IMO, Aghs at 14-16 minutes isn't as useful as it is at 19-23 because you don't have the mana to maintain any amount of spells anyways. Also, the levels of QWE you have wont be impact enough for 4+ spells to be useful in a fight. Make sense?

                                        Might as well get BoT before the Aghs, that way when you get it, you'll be independent from mana issues + be able to respond & make opponents respond quicker.


                                          I got roasted by diox. Of course u don't gank on invoker. Op sunstroke

                                          casual gamer

                                            advanced brains

                                            casual gamer

                                              follow up with blink dagger for maximum enlightenment

                                              Mr. Jin

                                                Becuz there is less farm on the map and don't get it after 9mins. Too late. Sell it later if u nd ur main core items.

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                                                  Alright let me clear this up right now since I atleast played invoker a decent number of times:

                                                  When you have an early aggression safe lane core eg. Ursa on your team, you pick Invoker and go exort with midas + bots + aghs build, but in this meta midas + aghs because split push is not that safe anymore. Your carry makes space for you and fights with your supports and offlane. You're meant to get atleast aghs before fighting, preferably blink as well since he is not very mobile. This is why invoker needs reliable stuns, if you pick a hero with one, he gets kills with sunstrike, accelerates his farm and joins you in teamfights earlier. If you dont, then dont bother bitching about the invoker who doesnt gank.

                                                  You go urn + orchid + dragon lance/hurrican pike when you go wex and gank the enemy either solo with ghost walk or with a support to make space on the map for your safe lane late game carry eg. sven. You may need to buy midas if your ganks are not extremely successful or you dont get enough towers down early, but it has more to do with what heroes the enemy have and what plans you have with your draft. This build is more successful in lower MMRs where teams dont fight together, supports dont rotate and you dont have defensive heroes.

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