General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to TB?

How to TB? in General Discussion

    I need advice from high mmr players to play this hero properly. I think he's fun and strong hero late game.


      Man that sunder cd talent rekts kids im telling you


        Go Daedalus heart radiance


          Was that meant to be a jab to me losing to a dogshit sunder cd talent tb with heart deso daedalus


            nah that kid is onto somtehing im sure of it.


              How can you say that a 30scd sunder is better than the other one?


                I prefer the stats, that's a lot of stats you know,and usually in the low bracket 1 sunder is enough anyway


                  which one is good drum of endurance or RoA?
                  or we should get both at early game?


                    I would only get drums if someone else is already building aquila
                    But then again good aquila carriers are usually core agi heroes which means you fucked up the draft anyway


                      ^ ^ get ring of aquila then rush dragon lance, Drums are a waste yeah it gives u good stats but later on you'll throw it away i buy it often but thought of it as trash cause too expensive and there are more items that syncrhonizes with tb.

                      Dire Wolf

                        Stats are usually better unless your vs a team with literally no lockdown and you can always get sunder off and they have high enough dmg output that you need to sunder twice.

                        For other talents, health regen vs attack speed is preference, I take health cus TB has regen issues early and 15 speed isn't game breaking. HP vs dmg again is preference, probably depends on game, but your illusions won't get the dmg. Move speed vs agility always agility.

                        For skills I like a value point in reflection so in lane people can't just run away as soon as you pop meta. But if you have a good lane support you don't need it. Then max meta first, illusions second, taking sunder when available.

                        Item build is easy cus it's almost always the same. Treads, aquila, lance, manta. Then you will want skadi and butterfly but you have to decide which to go for first, usually it's skadi then pike upgrade then butterfly, but sometimes pike isn't necessary and you can sell lance late game, and sometimes rushing butterfly is better than skadi. Occasionally you'll need bkb too so build that either before or after skadi like finish manta, bkb, skadi or manta, skadi, bkb. Some people also like diffusal and to get value out of it since it's a cheaper item you'd want it probably right after manta.

                        Late game 6 slotted should be bots, manta, skadi, butterfly then you can decide your last two items. Bkb if you need it, pike is really nice for mobility and seiging towers from range, diffusal is good cheap agility for mid game and maybe you need the purge. AC if you want to turn into a tower destroyer. Daedulus if you're doing a lot of hero fighting. MKB to counter evasion obviously. Heart if you want to get even more tanky. Maybe linkens once every 20 games to counter lc or tinker laser or something.

                        Now satanic is probably controversial but I would build it if going vs some really obnoxious blade mails or a hero like centaur cus then you can probably safely burst through the return dmg and heal up. Typically sunder is penty vs most heroes so you don't need lifesteal but blade mails in particular can be a huge pita. Especially if vs something like an LC.

                        My favorite 6 slotted build is bots, manta, skadi, butterfly, pike, daedulus.

                        You just farm and push, take fights you think you can win. With just aquila and lance you can push all t1s really fast, get a quick manta and kill all the t2s really fast. TB is a monster to fight early and really only dies to magic nuke dmg so pick your fights wisely but you can take on most carries even with just aquila and lance provided they don't have way more farm. Use your illusions to farm, either auto attack them down a lane or send them to camps while you farm lane or other camps. Even send them into enemy jungle when you can. It's very easy to get 7-8 cs/min and you should really shoot for 10 cs/min.


                          see my matches in TB and analyze


                            ^you mean watch ur 36% tb to learn, or watch it to roast you?


                              to learn my mistakes


                                Get 3 BUTTERFLIES and EZ TOWER DAMAGE :D


                                  I dont like pike coz i like to destroy things with skadi and butter. Sry im too high class


                                    @mori. share account pls?


                                      i dont give my password to stranger, best friend yes but stranger not


                                        FX is the only normal skill TB player i know.
                                        btw i dont see pros go pike.

                                        @Fx do u get cd talent.?

                                        @mori we can be best friends now

                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                          i dont know english im latino


                                            FARM FOR 40 MIN. PUSHES TOWER GG.


                                              Incoming vhs fx, i would get the cd talent for meme. It would be impossible to get a 2nd 10 sec sunder even with bkb becaus ethey most bkb duration is 10. Stats is too valuable as tb


                                                items: pms, roa, treads, raindrops. After this you need to analyse the game. If your team has the ability to push all t2´s pretty early than you get dl otherwise i like to get manta immediatly and split push a lot. You can buy whatever you need after manta butter/skadi/bkb/daedalus/mkb/diffu/ac (vs et it is pretty good, otherwise i would not buy it) and maybe satanic/pike

                                                don´t level your 1st spell before you have your other stuff maxed unless you know that you get atleast 2 kills with it in the 1st 10 mins, otherwise it just slows down your farm. also try to get your 1st sunder level at 9. if your team has no sustain for you then get the hp regen at lvl 10 (no urn, dazzel, ww,...)

                                                you try to push their offlane t1 asap. farm the jungle with your main hero while you use your 2nd 24/7 and push the closest lane with it and don´t take any unnecessary risk in terms of farming because you can just send an illusion there. try to walk into fights with melee form because you lose ms with meta and the other team might just retreat and wait 40 sec and rape you after this. you should also only fight with meta up, your hero without meta is just meh. be careful with your sunder (watch out for lotus and link).

                                                i´ll link you some of mine matches where you can look this stuff up:

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                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  Pike isn't that great but dragon lance is incredible. The range to hit towers plus hp early and some agility is so good. If you want you can sell it later to 6 slot into something else, but natural upgrade is pike and games are usually over before it matters. Plus you're pretty slow in meta form so you can pike up to people and blow them up or kite melee heroes with skadi + pike.

                                                  Thing is TB farms fast yes but he also does so much tower dmg, you will likely be burning down for megas with skadi manta and butter and maybe pike upgrade. It's a rare game I get another core item before finishing megas, usually you get the gold for something like daedulus from killing all their raxes. Cus even farming like 700 gpm won't get you a 4th big core item before like 40 mins.


                                                    PMS>RoA>PT>DL>Manta>Skadi>FLY and your prefer items. Max Meta first and illusions second.
                                                    You could be use your ilussions active for farming and you will be farm almost like Anti-Mage. Use your sunder perfectly, atleast try.
                                                    If your enemy has no too much AoE skills(like echo slam) or high nuke damages(like laguna blade) you can join teamfights after 15-20 mins. If they have that you should farm and try split push.
                                                    Terrorblade is very strong but he was stronger than now. I hope you win games.


                                                      See my latest TB game . I knew I died stupidly many times when I attempt to take down tower but we came back late game when they are pushing high ground

                                                      P.S. I'm a terrible carry so please bear with me.


                                                        Lance is only necessary if you are going for a push style strat, if you aren't intending to group much as your team I usually just go straight manta. Don't get reflection first 10 points unless you are 100% sure it secures you loads of kills. Generally max images over meta. Try not to skill sunder until level 9 if possible. Try and force the offlane tower down as early as possible with meta usage and a catapault wave. Once you have the offlane tower I like to jungle until my next meta is up, then tp to the enemy safelane and take their tier 1, if you do this you secure lots of map control for the team. Talent-wise regen is usually favourable over atk speed unless you have a healer on your team. HP always > damage as the images don't get damage and you desperately need more hp as TB. Ofc stats over ms, 90% of the time stats over sunder talent.

                                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                          I love TB, so much fun when you can 1v5 their whole team. Watch the end of this game lol

                                                          I know its just normal skill, but that shit was so fun. Couldn't do shit to me.


                                                            FX is the only normal skill TB player i know.

                                                            B b b b but I carried fx with TB once :(


                                                              I get dlance on all of my games. Taking early tower while the enemy is powerless is a really what difference a ns and good tb player. Knowing when to take tower is one of the the most important thing to make you a good tb


                                                                I maybe ns but i am surely will get out of here in less than 10game. I would add another note to cutnpaste's comment.
                                                                Badlane or laning with carry->go to jungle
                                                                Observe enemy team lineup for ex you will have a nightmare pushing t1 into sk and invo combo or kotl
                                                                Dude cuki told me to max meta over illu(maybe because it is a pushing game)

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                                                                  Trust a 5.5k shitter or a 6.6k safelane shitter :thinking:
                                                                  Or just use your brain and think about which situation is better for the build


                                                                    Dragon lance is good because it gives u some nice strength early game which helps u avoid a potentially fatal gank and use sunder to turn it around. This is why I always get it b4 manta as my supports always leave the lane after im 6


                                                                      u get pike on tb? lul


                                                                        armlet manta radiance octarine core no Kappa


                                                                          ^this guy knows. The rest of y'all are sheep