General Discussion

General DiscussionIs Dk okay again

Is Dk okay again in General Discussion

    Havent played dk since last battle pass, but he feels like a super safe pick vs most lineups.
    Went treads, bottle, armlet into ac bkb. Did not win mid hard, was even id say but was a smooth game even with average farm.
    Not sure still but any dk players what do you guys think of the position the hero is in?

    Dire Wolf

      He's not that good, too ult dependent on long cd. Doesn't really lose mid but rarely wins it either. Farms horribly. I do like the hero he just has a lot of issues.

      Your whole team crushed that game, enemy had no supports and all right clicker melee lineup vs clock, dk. Not that shocked you won.

      Your build is probably fine but AC is a big purchase right after armlet. I usually like a dragon lance or sange and yasha for easier build up and some mid game, or a maelstrom to farm. Lance is great stats and range on your ult is huge.


        reason i just rushed ac was because i knew my naix was going damage and we were going to group to push.
        I am going to play another dk game hopefully not as easy to see how he ends up.


          Dragon Knight is one of my favorite heroes and i think he is a viable pick this patch. I play him mostly offlane and only when the other teams safelaner is a right clicker (like PA, jugg, etc.) I max out his passive first and just tank everything the other team throws at me in the lane, while tanking all of that i just safely last hit/deny and when i get a chance harass the other team, when you hit lvl 6 you should have boots by then and go for the kill on the core, if not then just kill the squishy support, sometimes you might even get a double kill.
          Then rush armlet and push the tower down with your supports who should rotate to help you out, once you get the tower go jungle until your ult comes back up and go fight (if you have a core the farms the jungle then just stay in lane. After Armlet i suggest getting shadow blade for escape and attack speed, (shadow blade and your lvl 10 skill is enough attack speed for the rest of the game.) After that its situational, whatever you need, if you need damage get crit if suitability get BKB.

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            I think he is good. Good talents. Can frontline really well against the popular heroes. He doesn't do that much damage or farm that fast, but his stun is really useful.


              usually u go blink or sb after armlet then bkb into ac/mjollnir


                Is midas horrible for this hero ???

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                      @kr what do you think about visage's usefulness in this patch
                      im encountering people telling me that he should be played on core

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                      Dire Wolf

                        Yeah you can offlane and get farm but you won't pressure the enemy carry out and they'll farm easily.


                          What do u do just walk up and Stun?


                            dk so a decent amt of play at kiev groupstages, he just becomes so tanky in the midgame that u cant rlly initiate on him cuz if he doesn't die in the initial burst, with armlet bkb he will turn the fight right around.


                              I think he's terrible on farm and early-mid fights, but with patience, he's so good and viable(lvl 3 dragon form+suitable items)


                                I mean you wouldn't really play him as a pos 1. I believe you would get your gold from towers since he pushes at an early level.
                                Would prob go blink/sb if i feel like i need too.
                                Feel like midas could be okay, could go well with his 40% xp talent but id never choose it over 40 damage

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                                  40 dmg is too good to take 40% xp gain
                                  midas tbh doesn't seem that bad, especially cuz he needs levels, isn't good at farming, and his talents r pretty good too.
                                  the problem is that he needs his core items too much to delay them for midas.

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    Comparing TB to DK seems like apples and oranges to me. They both have talents that make them ranged and that's about it. TB still does a lot without his, his also isn't an ult so he maxes it sooner, his illusions do tons of damage without it late game still. He can still pressure towers and kill people without it. Plus TB farms like crazy and DK doesn't.

                                    DK's dmg seems really lack luster without ult up. He doesn't do a ton of dmg but at least with ult it's aoe so that makes up for it.

                                    It's too bad talon and quelling blade don't stack any more cus DK could probably farm jungle well with those and his regen.

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                                      It's good when you're in party

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                                          The Medic Guy


                                            55sec on cooldown is not a long time.


                                              you can always go mjöllnir to farm faster

                                              complaining about long ult CD, im sitting here spamming CK getting SK, BB or axe every game

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                                              Dire Wolf

                                                Well maybe I'll give dk another go then

                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  what talents do you go for? I always thought attack speed, damage, health, 2x regen, but statistically only hp and dmg are a lot better. Move speed is slightly better than the regen/armor which seems odd and attack speed slightly better than 10 str which I would expect. It's too bad that gpm isn't at level 15 where it would be useful, it's just so trash that late in game.

                                                  And his win rate is back up right around 50% except in 5k where it's bad at 46%. But he was ~47% overall a few weeks ago, maybe the pace of game just wasn't for him but he does seem ok now.


                                                    DK gets his farm from teamfights, not necessarily get kills, but just win teamfights and push towers after that, you don't need your ult to hit some ancients, or tank for your team to do roshan, always be active on the map, fight, push with your ult and just chill in lane or hit ancients during cooldown on your ult, believe me, if you stay alive after the teamfight your ult is not goign to be on cooldown for long

                                                    In this particular game i did go 0-8 before i got a kill, but i had 10 assists that got me enough money for armlet and i started to go off

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                                                      But you're not spamming AM and play against shitton of counters and your teammates so its fine


                                                        Offlaners seems to all have some ability to jungle OR contest the safe lane farm. DK doesn't seem to do either very well
                                                        So if DK is vs a solid trilane who will rotate between screwing with your jungle camps and zoning you out of the offlane.

                                                        What do ya do then?

                                                        Iron Talon jungle it ?


                                                          exactly, and rotate for kills in your safelane or if you have lvl 6 try mid


                                                            @ No_thing

                                                            well then why not pick axe, slardar , cent?

                                                            They can jungle at the same pace or faster, have an AOE disable . Get your Dagger and go blinking!

                                                            DK at 6 can wreck towers better then the other two but I just don't see why you wouldn't want the other 3 mentioned above.

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                                                              It all depends on the draft if you have heroes that can lockdown but not push take dk if you have heroes that can push fast then axe, slardar, abbadon is better to pick, it all depends on the draft

                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                no offesne thing but that game is a really, really bad example to post about dk. You got carried hard by your team, you farmed horribly, 3.6 cs/min and only 480 gpm on a game where you took every single tower as a team and YOU TOOK GPM TALENT. That is awful. Your team all did a ton of tower dmg, 1k on a bane. Not a good match to post as an example how to dk.


                                                                  ik im showing that when the other team just focused me, it left my team freefarming if you want to see a good example of a DK game look at my earlier post where i carry my team (this game)

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                                                                  Giff me Wingman

                                                                    DK is a good space creator, but he isn't really a pub stomphero.

                                                                    He was relatively viable in all patches, he's a bit like puck, he never was entirely shit but wasn't really good either.


                                                                      @Lokieleven Meh, you can check my profile for the builds, I really played DK a lot. He is ok but not that good, there are many popular top tier heroes that counter him. You never go midas if you are mid, you need to have solid lane, get couple of towers and not die to much early or you are screwed, hero is very very hard to come back with. I would say it is pretty safe pick vs Templar Assassin if you want to counter her, she is getting really popular last 2 patches. My winrate with DK is good simply bcs i know the hero very well and how to adapt to different lineups...he is certainly much better with many previous buffs then he used to be. Dont pick him vs timber, necro, slark necro, OD and ice heroes. Don't pick him if you have low damage team and in that case you need to have at least some sort of burst damage in supports. Later on he is good right clicker with proper items

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                                                                        move speed is so good on dk, he is a very slow hero, doesn't buy any items to give him movespeed, and especially after blink stunning, has no real way of catching up to people to apply his slow or to stun again. plus lvl 3 dragon form with movespeed is rlly good, and if u go too much armor u get countered hard by silver edge. as bulldog says, too much of a good thing is bad, its not good to stack full armor on dk, cuz it gives diminishing returns.


                                                                          Just to expand that do not pick vs list with 2 heroes more : Tinker, Zeus


                                                                            tinker is a problem, but zeus isn't, u buy bkb, maybe even hood, and one blink stun initiation and he is dead.


                                                                              Yeah but u are bellow 1k mmr and have 11 DK games and I'm 4k and have 300 DK games with 64% win rate. You can win PUBs with any hero and adapt I agree, but Zeus is certainly not a favorable matchup in most cases.


                                                                                I don't need to speak from experience, I'm just saying.
                                                                                raindrops r an item, they cuck zeus until u can just initiate on him and kill him.
                                                                                I don't think the matchup favors either rlly, unless ur talking abt mid matchup, which just requires more advanced knowledge on how to avoid the chain lightning dmg.


                                                                                  Road to Crippling Depression - looks like you can give lesson to Miracle,so retard.ed


                                                                                    that's not what I said and u know it.
                                                                                    am I wrong?
                                                                                    laning against zeus is hard but dk can still win.

                                                                                    Mr. Jin

                                                                                      I usually see Dk mid. I think they copy from og Ana.


                                                                                        Terrorblade is good this patch because he farms extremely efficiently and he is useful even when his metamorphosis is down. Dragon knight Doesn't farm fastwithout a farming item, kills towers slower, relies more on snowballing off of the midlane, needs kills, relies on his ultimate, and has midgame dominance. TB has midgame and endgame dominance, farms fast, doesn't rely totally on metamorphosis, doesn't need kills to get stuff done, doesn't need a farming item, melts towers, and has a very good ultimate to go alongside metamorphosis.

                                                                                        basically, TB > Dragon knight in almost every way right now. He even starts out with around the same amount of armor that dragon knight gets from his passive and has 2 innate health regen.

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