General Discussion

General DiscussionNerf slark

Nerf slark in General Discussion

    turn base armor to 0. I hate him so much btw that hero is too overpowered how come valve never noticed?

    noobs are starting to play him from 0-6 to 12-6 the hell?!

    Тази тема била редактирана

      probably icefrog or valve doesn't want to listen to us because where insignificant to them and they want to be the one thinking on it than us.

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          If we let slark farm he can get the items he need to solo queue one of our alies and kills it and get 500 gold then he buys a basher, skadi or silever edge and then agility items then he is an unstoppable stomper and pusher. he's super annoying and that god damn dispel is too darn good its impossible to stun him early or stun him after he uses everything because your teammates will be dead before that happens.

            Този коментар е изтрит

              this heroes laning stage is already shit, nerfing his already low armor would kill him.


                he's already cancer with 16 - 16 agi str leaf and +20 all stats with 10% cd reduction or 30 as speed.

                also how come Monkey King is nerfed with 0 armor and a talent tree of 5 armor? explain. he's not shit their just bad at playing it and his balanced by ice frog which he cannot do that on every single hero.

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                  He was strong before nerf on his pounce and dark pact,if you have trouble with him try to counter him with axe


                    doesn't work. *Silver Edge* and Strong Right clicking.


                      I dont think this is the real diox


                        Youre counter him with axe hard from first m, he is so early, after blink he is just done, same with pa


                          Nerf diox too much autism

                          Use chatwhell=mute

                            Ye slark isnt overpowered. He depends on his essense shift. Only tard fucks says nerf slark.



                              Visita Hari Danta

                                why do people even take it seriously?

                                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                  U pick am, the slark purchases abyssal blade, the slark is a god and pacts ur abyssal, ultis, the abyssal refresher ulti abyssals u and kills u. What do u do?



                                    Sir Vincent

                                      Get Diffusal blade on carry or necro book/silent on support/str.
                                      A no mana Slark is a no escape minimum stat growth oversized creep, no more. Slark can only regen HP, not mana, he can not hit and run without mana.

                                      Silent and mana burn are the bane of Slatk.

                                      AM vs Slark? just Linken if you have the same networth. But as an AM, you should never have less GPM than a Slark. AM is all about amass networth before 25-30 mins and overpower other carries.

                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                      mom said it's my turn to ...

                                        Haha, diox's on you


                                          Refresh my blink and blink out

                                          Pale Mannie



                                              hahha wanting to nerf an invi hero means no one of u wants to buy dust / ward / eye.



                                                id rather face a late game slark than a fat PL or troll


                                                  You can reduce his armor to 0 with Elder Titan.


                                                    I rape slark using cm not a big deal

                                                    Story Time

                                                      slark playerss have toxic metality, so they eventually tilt their team. Then the game is won.