General Discussion

General DiscussionIs it good to pick Io on Solo Q Ranked?

Is it good to pick Io on Solo Q Ranked? in General Discussion

    I recently had the interest to spam io on my solo q games but im quite hesitant since io requires team coordination which is somewhat most of the time inexistent in my bracket. Should I try it?


      you can try it but it likely won't work well.


        at 3.5 it maybe can work


          I tried playing it in a 2 man party. You could check my recent game. No good combos for io last gams, but i think he's good for solo q because of tether heal, atk spd inc, etc? Im still thinking for more possibilities.


            If you're good with him, yes


              I can play him, but still not that good imo. I have much to learn. Played him only less than 15 lifetime games. Lmao.

              yung griphook

                Yeah there are definitely better, more effective supports to pick than IO honestly, especially considering at that mmr a lot of games are won or lost during the high ground seige/defense, in which IO offers basically nothing . But I'm also the same or similar mmr as you so take that for what you will

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                  He's one of the lowest winrate heroes in pub games, yet a high-priority to contest in pro games. The key difference really is communication. Because when relocate saving teammates, or relocate initiating, it has to be instant, yet they also need to know where they're being relocated to(back to fountain? To the backlines of the fight so they can still reengage? Frontline to wipe out the enemy supports?) So unless you have a mic, and your carry(who is random, as you specified soloq matchmaking) also has, or at least listens to you, good luck making Io work for MMR gains.


                    if you want intense then ride an unsafe roller coaster than playing io in 1-3k.


                      Hey bro, definitely yes just be prepare take you tons of games to master this hero i have about 500 games on io.If you want to play him solo q always ask for solo supporting, hes not a best pos 5 but from my experience there is much better chance to win if you solo supp, you build is good i just would rush soul ring if i paired with lc, so he can spam overhelming and win lane just by this (225 mana for him every 30sec) this is legit strategy.Focus a lot on practice spirits its most important thing on io, once you master them your winrate goes up.
                      In solo q you have to always get trust of your team mates, they will very often blame before game start, ignore that get respect by your plays talk if you go rune, stack, gank, and be very noisy when you going to relo, if your teammates are retarded, you have to explain them whats gonna happening.In 90% of games team listening and you have to lead them to win, io is life bro gl